Chapter 12 - The Funeral

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Larissa and Paul are sitting outside watching the sunset. Paul has his arm wrapped around Larissa while she's leaning on his shoulder. "Oh, Paul, isn't it a beautiful sight?" She said. "Yes, it certainly is, Larissa, my love." Said Paul. The two look each other in the eyes and smile. They lean in and kiss. After they pull away, their foreheads touch.

"Paul?" Larissa said. "Yes, dear?" Paul answered. "If there was ever a time when you and I are apart, will we be together still?" Asked Larissa. "Of course we will, darling. No matter where we go, we'll always be together." Said Paul.

The couple stands up and face each other. Larissa places her hands on Paul's shoulders while he places his hands on her waist. "Paul, honey, will you promise me something?" Larissa asked. "What is it, sweetheart?" Paul asked. "Promise me you'll never leave me. Because I'll be lonely without you." Larissa said. Paul kisses her on her forehead. "I'll never leave you, my beautiful Larissa. I promise." He said.

Larissa smiles and leans onto Paul's chest wrapping him into a hug. Paul leans on her head and rubs her back. "I love you so much, Paul, my darling." Said Larissa. "I love you too, Larissa, my baby girl." Said Paul. The two lock eyes and their lips connect.

Larissa opens her eyes and is sent back to reality. She sits up from her bed and smiles at the dream she just had. But her smile fades into a frown because she remembered that Paul is dead. A tear falls from her eye. "Oh how I wish Paul was still here." She said.

Sheila's P.O.V.

As Sheila takes her morning stroll, she decides to make a quick stop at the McCartney household. She knocks on the door and Jim comes to it. "Sheila." He said gruffly. "Hello, Jim. I'm not here to insult you some more, I'm here to talk to you about something." Said Sheila.

Jim lets Sheila into the house and she sits on the couch. "First of all, I'm sorry about your son. He was a wonderful man." She said. "At least he's with his mother again." Said Jim. Sheila nods understandingly. "And I wanted to say that this feud between us is over." She said.

"But what about your actions towards me after you found out about me and Mary?" Jim asked. "I regret them, Jim. And my actions towards Larissa. It's just that I couldn't let go of the pain of losing Arnold. His passing killed me deep inside. Now I'm going to be a better mother towards my daughter." Sheila said.

Sheila and Jim talk for a few more minutes before saying goodbye to each other.

Larissa's P.O.V.

It was almost time for the funeral. Larissa puts on a black dress and fixes her hair. There's a quiet knock at the door. "Larissa, honey, are you almost ready?" Sheila said on the other side. "Yes, Mother. I'm coming." Said Larissa. She puts on the finishing touches of her makeup and wears waterproof mascara so her eyes don't burn in case she cries.

A little while later, Larissa and Sheila arrive at the church. The first thing that caught Larissa's eye was the casket, and it was open. She walks over to the casket and looks down at Paul's deceased body. She leans over and gives him one last kiss on his lips. After she pulls away, she gently places her hand onto his hands that are folded on his chest. "I'll always love you, Paul." She whispered.

Sheila comes up from behind Larissa and wraps her arm around her. "He looks so peaceful." Said Larissa as her eyes fill with tears. "I know. But I'm sure he'll be looking down at you from up above to send you his love from beyond the grave." Said Sheila. Larissa nods at her mother's words. She gives Paul one last kiss before leaving the casket so other people can approach it.

The funeral begins 10 minutes later. When it was at that moment for Larissa to do her eulogy, she did the best she could not to cry while reading it. She choked up a few times as she goes along.

My husband was such a wonderful man. I'm not sure I can really express just how much I miss him.

I remember the first time I saw him-my mother threw a party in my house, I looked over and saw this handsome young man. We fell in love with each other.

Paul was always such a gentleman-well mannered and polite, but always quick with a witty remark.

Born and bred in Liverpool, Paul always had a passion for music. He and one of his bandmates, John Lennon, would write beautiful songs together.

Paul was my soul mate and my inspiration-my steadfast rock that helped me through thick and thin.

He may be in heaven now, but I know he is looking down at me with a big smile saying, "My beautiful Larissa, don't spend the rest of your days being sad. Keep your head held high and keep smiling."

Goodbye, my dear, sweet husband, and God bless.

After Larissa finished her eulogy, she wipes her tears away with a tissue. Moments later, everyone goes to the cemetery. They say a few prayers before lowering the casket into the ground.

When the funeral was over, Larissa and Sheila make their way home. Larissa wouldn't stop crying. Sheila wraps her into a hug. "That's it, honey. Let it all out." She said. Larissa stops crying after a few minutes. "I miss him, Mother!" She said. "I understand, sweetie. I'll tell you what, tomorrow we'll go out, buy some flowers, and bring them to his grave." Sheila said. Larissa nods slowly. Her mother kisses her on her cheek before letting go.

As Larissa gets ready for bed, she feels her heart breaking. She didn't feel the same falling asleep in her bed since she was used to Paul sleeping next to her. Larissa remembers how he doesn't want her being sad every day. So she forces herself a little smile. When her head hits her pillow, she tries to fall asleep, but spends the rest of the night tossing and turning.

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