Chapter 19 - Do You Believe?

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Larissa and Danielle take some time to hang out the next day. "I was visited by Paul again last night." Said Larissa. "How many times has he visited?" Asked Danielle. "Three times. Now he's not going to visit quite as often. I'm a little sad about it though." Larissa said. "Aww, I'm sorry." Danielle said.

"Danielle, do you believe that the spirits of the deceased would come down from the heavens to visit you from time to time?" Asked Larissa. Danielle thinks for a moment. "Normally I'd say I don't believe in ghosts, but, being visited by members of the deceased is totally a different story. So I'd say I believe." She said.

As the girls continue walking, Larissa finds three familiar faces. "It's John, George, and Ringo!" She said. "As in John Lennon, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr?" Asked Danielle. "Yes ma'am. Would you like to meet them?" Larissa asked. "Boy, would I ever!" Danielle said excitedly.

Larissa takes Danielle to meet the other three Beatles. They smile when they see Larissa. "Hi, Larissa! How wonderful to see you again!" Said John. "Hi, guys! I'd like you to meet my friend, Danielle Jackson." Said Larissa. Danielle gives a small wave. "Hello." She said. "How long have you known each other?" Asked George. "A long time, actually." Larissa said. "Yeah. We've been friends since we were kids. But, we haven't seen each other for quite some time. And we somehow manage to run into each other a few days ago." Danielle said.

"That's amazing!" Said Ringo. Larissa thinks back to what she said to Danielle. "Hey, do you boys believe that the spirits of the deceased would come down from the heavens to visit you from time to time?" She asked. The boys look at Larissa with confused expressions. "What made you ask about that?" John asked. "Well, I was visited by Paul's spirit three times this week." Said Larissa. "Paul visited you from heaven?!" George asked in shock. "Yep!" Larissa said. "I believe!" Ringo said. "Normally I don't believe, but, I feel a change in me saying that I do." Said George. "For me, a little bit of yes and a little bit of no. I might believe it if my mother came to visit." Said John. "Either way, that's some experience you had, Larissa!" Said Ringo.

The girls talk to the three Beatles for a few more minutes before parting ways. "Wanna stop at the cemetery before we go back to your house?" Asked Danielle. "Sure I do." Said Larissa. They walk to the cemetery and find Paul's tombstone. Larissa bends down in front of it and Danielle sits next to her. They take turns saying a few words. Larissa couldn't do it without crying in the middle. Danielle comforted her. Once they finished, they exited the cemetery and made their way back to Larissa's house.

"I won't be available to hang out tomorrow. I have things to do." Larissa said. "Oh. What about the next day?" Danielle asked. "We'll see." Said Larissa. Danielle nods and the two girls give each other a hug goodbye. Larissa enters her house and retreats to her room. She stares out the window and gets lost in thought.

"Paul, I can't stand not seeing you anymore! It hurts me deep inside and I can't help but cry. I really wanna see you again. This pain just won't go away until I'm back in your arms. Please, hear me and answer my prayers. I want you back really bad." She said as she choked up. She continued to stare out the window until the sun went down. When it was time for bed, all she did was stare up at the ceiling and couldn't sleep. Eventually, she nodded off and got the sleep she deserves.

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