Chapter 13 - Visiting Paul's Grave

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Larissa and her mother go out the next day to buy some flowers to bring to the cemetery. It was going to be a lot harder than ever before for poor Larissa since she was about to see where Paul's buried. Once at the cemetery, Sheila and Larissa pick up their flowers and try to look for Paul's tombstone.

When they find it, they place the flowers down on the ground. "If you don't mind, Mother, I'd like to say a few words." Said Larissa. "Go ahead, dear." Said Sheila. Larissa bends down and sits in front of the tombstone to talk to Paul.

"Hi, Paul. It's me, Larissa. I'm here to tell you about a few things that recently happened since you passed. First, my mother and I are on better terms. Second, I'm doing the best I can to be strong, but it's been hard without having you with me. Finally, I'm gonna come visit you every day to tell you how much I love you and miss you. I hope we'll be together again someday. I'll always love you, my darling." She said. She kisses her hand and plants it onto Paul's tombstone.

"That was beautiful, honey." Said Sheila. Larissa nods to her mother, stands up, and takes her hand as they leave the gravesite. When they get home, the phone rings. Larissa answers it.

"Hello?" She said. "Larissa?" A voice said on the other side. "Yes, it's me. Who's this?" Asked Larissa. "It's George." The voice said. "Oh, hi, George! How are you doing?" Larissa asked. "Can't complain. It's been hard for me and the others without Paul." George said. "I know the feeling." Sad Larissa. "Anyway, how are you holding up?" Asked George. "Honestly, George, I'm a mess." Larissa said.

"I understand, love. Ever since Paul died, we kinda stopped being The Beatles. It doesn't feel right having only three when everyone knows there's four in the group." George said. "Oh. Are you, John, and Ringo still seeing each other?" Asked Larissa. "Yeah, but we can't spend one minute without mentioning Paul and crying our eyes out." Said George. "That goes double for me." Larissa said.

For the next few minutes, Larissa continues talking to George before hanging up. Sheila comes into the room. "Who was that, Larissa, darling?" She asked. "That was my friend, George Harrison. He wanted to see how I was doing ever since... you know." Said Larissa. "He sounds like a sweet man. Just like when John called yesterday." Sheila said. "He's very sweet. In fact, he, John, and their other friend, Ringo, were a band called The Beatles for a little bit. Paul was part of it too. But they kinda stopped being Beatles after he passed away." Larissa said.

Sheila nods. "Do you think you'll ever find love again?" She asked. "I doubt it, Mother. I've never loved a man the way I loved Paul." Said Larissa. "I'm sure there's a guy out there for you. And I know he'll love you the same way Paul did." Sheila said. "You think so?" Larissa asked. "I know so." Said Sheila. She wraps her daughter into a hug and they embrace for a long time.

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