Chapter 17 - P.S. I Love You

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Larissa makes yet another visit to the cemetery the next day. She sits in front of Paul's tombstone with another bouquet of flowers in her hand along with a piece of paper. She places the flowers in front of the tombstone.

"I've returned once again, my love. This time, I wrote you a letter." She said. Larissa unfolds the letter and reads it out loud so she can send it to Paul in heaven.

My dearest husband, Paul,

It's been almost two weeks since you left me so suddenly. I miss you so much and I never go a whole day without thinking about you.

Even though it's been hard with you gone, I'm doing the best I can to be strong. I'll never forget all the wonderful memories we've had together before your death.

I miss your smiling face most of all. But I know that when my time comes, we'll be together again. Until then, you'll always be in my heart.

Your loving wife,

P.S. I'll always love you.

After Larissa finished reading her letter, she placed it underneath the flowers she brought and puts it near the tombstone. "I hope you don't mind, but, I'd like to sing for you." She said. The first song that comes to her mind was Love Me Tender by Elvis Presley. Larissa takes a deep breath before singing her heart out for her deceased husband.

Love me tender, love me sweet
Never let me go
You have made my life complete
And I love you so

Love me tender, love me true
All my dreams fulfill
For my darling I love you
And I always will

Love me tender, love me long
Take me to your heart
For it's there that I belong
And will never part

Love me tender, love me true
All my dreams fulfill
For my darling I love you
And I always will

Love me tender, love me dear
Tell me you are mine
I'll be yours through all the years
'Til the end of time

Love me tender, love me true
All my dreams fulfill
For my darling I love you
And I always will

Larissa choked up a few times while she sang. Luckily, she held back her tears which was something she'd never done before. "I mean everything I said in the song. Even though you're not here anymore, I'm still going to love you no matter what." She said. Larissa stands up, says her final goodbye to Paul before leaving his tombstone, and makes her way home.

She stayed at the cemetery longer than usual. So, by the time she made it home, it was already nighttime. "Mother? Are you here?" She called. "I'm in the kitchen, Larissa!" Sheila said. Larissa makes her way into the kitchen. "Sorry I'm late." She said. "There's no need to apologize, honey. I was about to wonder where you were, until I kinda figured out you were at the cemetery." Said Sheila. "Okay. I'll be up in my room if you need me." Larissa said.

Larissa walks up to her room and sits on her bed. She starts to fan her face. "Whew! It's a little hot in here! I should let some air in." She said. She opens her window as fresh air comes in. From downstairs, the phone rings. Larissa charges downstairs to answer it.

"Hello?" She said. "Hey, it's Ringo. Is that you, Larissa?" Ringo's voice said on the other side. "Yes it is. Hi, Ringo." Said Larissa. "It's been a while since we last talked. How are you?" Asked Ringo. "I'm hanging in there. I've visited Paul's grave for a little while now." Larissa said. "That's good. John, George, and I visited a few times too. We must've missed you when we went." Ringo said. "Ah. How many times have you three gone?" Asked Larissa. "About two or three times." Said Ringo. "I see. I've gone for almost two weeks now." Larissa said.

She talks to Ringo for a few more minutes before hanging up. She goes back to her room and relaxes for a few minutes. She eventually feels her eyes drooping and decides to call it a night. Before falling asleep, Larissa wonders if she'll receive another visit from Paul. Maybe she will or maybe she won't. She tries to keep her eyes open, but they're too heavy. So she falls asleep.

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