Chapter 4 - Married In Secret

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Before going to Paul's house, he and Larissa go to a nearby church. "Father Maxwell? Are you here?" Paul hollered. A priest steps forward. "Hello, Paul. How are you this evening?" He asked. "I'm in desperate need of your help!" Said Paul. "What seems to be the problem?" Father Maxwell asked. "This woman here is engaged to a man she doesn't love." Paul said.

Father Maxwell looks to Larissa. "Is that true, miss?" He asked. "It is. I love Paul and I wanna marry him! Not my fiancé!" Said Larissa. "Very well. Lucky for you both, I have two sets of rings handy." Said Father Maxwell. He picks up a pillow with two rings on top. "Shall we begin?" He asked.

Paul and Larissa nod. They face each other while holding hands. "Paul, do you take Larissa to be your wife?" Father Maxwell asked. "I do." Said Paul. "And do you, Larissa, take Paul to be your husband?" Asked Father Maxwell. "I do." Larissa said. Paul takes the small ring and puts it onto Larissa's finger. Then Larissa takes the big ring and puts it onto Paul's finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss." Said Father Maxwell. Paul and Larissa passionately kiss. They pull away after a minute. "Now what do we do?" Asked Larissa. "It's off to my house. I'm going to introduce you to my dad. He'll like you." Paul said. "Are you sure?" Larissa asked. "Of course I'm sure!" Said Paul. He and Larissa say their goodbyes to Father Maxwell and run hand in hand out of the church.

Once the couple reached Paul's house, Jim was already standing at the door. "There you are, Paul! I was worried about you!" He said. "I'm fine, Dad. And there's something you and I need to discuss." Paul said. Jim nods and lets his son into the house as he's followed by Larissa. "Who's this lovely lady you've brought with you?" Asked Jim. "I'm Larissa Miller. Well, McCartney now since I married your son. But please don't be angry with me." Larissa said.

"Oh poppycock! How can I be angry at a beautiful lass such as yourself?" Jim said with a chuckle. "Let me explain why I've brought her here!" Said Paul. He takes a deep breath before speaking. "Larissa just ran away from her horrible mother, she was engaged to a man she doesn't love, and now she and I just got married in secret! I hope you can give us your blessing!" He said.

Jim looks at Larissa with a confused look. "He's telling the truth, Mr. McCartney! I fell in love with your son and now he has saved me by making me his wife." Said Larissa. "I believe you, Larissa. And please, call me Jim." Said Jim. "So does this mean we have your blessing?" Paul asked desperately. Jim thinks for a moment and eventually speaks. "Yes." He answered. Larissa and Paul smile. "But I must tell you, Larissa, if your mother knew about this she'd be furious. So I recommend going far away from here." Jim said.

"You know my mother?!" Larissa asked in shock. "Yes. I was once in love with her. But then, I met this other woman named Mary. When your mother found out about me and her, she was furious. I tried to explain but she wouldn't let me. We've been enemies since then." Jim explained. Larissa felt sorry for Jim and gave him a pat on the back. "You McCartneys deserve respect." She said. "And you deserve to be happy. So it's a good thing Paul found you." Jim said.

Paul takes Larissa's hand. "Let's run away together, love! You won't have to worry about your mother and your fiancé looking for you!" He said. Larissa smiles at Paul and kisses his cheek. "I'll go wherever you go, my darling." She said.

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