Chapter 16 - Take My Hand

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Sleep finally comes to Larissa. But before she could get too comfortable, the same breeze from the night before occurred again. She sits up, rubs her eyes, and turns on her light. "Paul? Is that you?" She asked. As soon as she said his name, his spirit comes floating towards her slowly and gently. "Hi, honey." He said. "It is you!" Larissa said excitedly.

Paul hovers towards her and wraps his arm around her. "There's something I want to show you." He said. "What is it?" Asked Larissa. Paul floats in front of her and holds out his hand. "Come with me." He said. "Huh? What's going on?" Asked Larissa worriedly. "Don't be afraid, darling. Take my hand." Said Paul. "Am I dreaming?" Larissa asked. "No you're not. This is really happening." Paul said.

Knowing that she could never doubt him, Larissa takes Paul's hand and she immediately rises off her bed. She lets out a small shriek and closes her eyes tightly. "It's alright, love. I got you." Said Paul. The two fly out the window and into the night. "Where are we going?" Asked Larissa. "You'll see." Said Paul.

They wind up at a familiar house which happens to be Larissa's. "We're back already?!" She asked in shock. "Not necessarily. Look through the window." Paul said. Larissa looks through the window and sees a familiar couple. "Oh my gosh! It's us!" She said excitedly. "Precisely. It's the day you and I met during your house party." Said Paul. Larissa feels a tear fall from her eye. "This was one my favorite moments." She said. "Mine too, sweetheart." Paul said.

The couple flies to another area which turned out to be the church. "Now this is my favorite part!" Said Paul. "You and I married in secret." Larissa said. They happily watch the memory of them both marrying each other. When it was time to move on, they both float to the next memory. This one wasn't as pleasant as the other two.

"Oh no. I don't like this memory!" Said Larissa in fear. "Neither do I, Larissa, my dear. It's the day you and I shared our final moments together before I died in your arms." Paul said. Larissa tearfully watches the saddest memory she remembers. When it was over, she ends up crying so hard. Paul floats in front of her while still holding her hand. He wipes Larissa's tears away and caresses her face.

"Darling, I know this memory wasn't the best one we ever had together. But, let's be glad we shared some final moments before my soul left my body." He said. "I know, Paulie. But, watching you die was the most painful part." Larissa said. Paul nods in agreement. "Are you ready to go home, baby?" He asked. "Yes, please." Said Larissa. "Very well then. Off we go." Paul said.

They fly back to Larissa's house and she climbs back into bed. Paul tucks her in and kisses her forehead. "Sleep well, princess." Said Paul. "Good night, sweetie. I'll miss you." Larissa said. "I'll miss you too, love. But we'll see each other again soon. I promise." Paul said. He gives Larissa one last wave before disappearing and she waves back to him. Larissa checks the time and sees that it's 1:00 AM. She lets out a yawn and falls back to sleep.

Larissa & Paul: A Forbidden Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now