Chapter 20 (Finale) - Together Again

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When Larissa woke up the next morning, her eyes were all red and her cheeks were damp. She spent most of the night crying her eyes out. "That's it! I can't stand being away from Paul anymore!" She said. She gets out of bed, puts on some clothes, brushes her hair, and marches downstairs.

"Where are you going so early in the morning?" Sheila asked. "There's something very important I have to do. I don't know when I'll be back, though." Said Larissa. She marches towards the front door and turns back to her mother before opening it. "One more thing, if I'm not back by sundown, I just want you to know that... I love you." She said. "You love me? Even after the way I treated you?" Asked Sheila. "Yes." Larissa said.

Larissa walks out of her house for what may be the last time. She stops by the cemetery and finds Paul's tombstone first. "Paul, I've come to tell you that we're gonna be together again! It's gonna happen within a few minutes! I can't wait to be in your arms again! Best of all, I'm super excited to reunite with the only man I've ever loved!" She said. She exits the cemetery faster than the speed of light.

The next stop was the church where Larissa married Paul in secret. "Father Maxwell? Are you here?" She hollered. No answer. A few moments later, Father Maxwell approaches Larissa. "Ah, Larissa! What brings you here?" He asked. "I came here to thank you for making Paul and I husband and wife when he was still alive. I'm forever grateful to you." Said Larissa. "You're welcome, my dear. And I'm sorry about Paul, by the way. I heard about him being killed and that's a total shame." Said Father Maxwell. "Thanks for your support." Larissa said.

She gives Father Maxwell a quick hug before leaving the church. The final stop was a nearby body of water. The place was Round Lake. Larissa could feel her heart beating very fast and sweat dripping down her face. She steps into the lake and stops halfway to look at the sky for the last time.

"Goodbye, Mother, Danielle, Father Maxwell, John, George, and Ringo. You've all been good to me. Although, Mother, you and I were on rough terms for a while, but, we're getting along better now. I'm going away for a very long time. But, I shall see you all again someday." She said. After a few more steps, Larissa begins to float down to the bottom of the water and closes her eyes. She has drowned herself.

"Larissa? Larissa, can you hear me?! Please, wake up!" A familiar voice said. When Larissa opened her eyes, she sees Paul looking down at her while she's cradled in his arms. "Paul!" Said Larissa excitedly. She throws her arms around him and ends up squeezing him so tightly. "I'm so glad we're back together! I've waited weeks for this to happen!" She said. "Has it really been that long?" Asked Paul. "Pretty much." Larissa said.

"How did you make it up to heaven?" Paul asked. "I went to a nearby lake and drowned myself." Said Larissa. "What?! Oh, honey, you didn't have to do that!" Said Paul with worry in his voice. "Paul, darling, it's not that I had to. I wanted to do it. I just couldn't spend another day without being with you. My heart felt empty when we weren't together." Larissa said.

Paul kisses Larissa on her cheek. "I felt the same way, Larissa, my sweetheart. But, it feels wonderful to have you back in my arms!" He said. Larissa smiles and kisses Paul on his lips. After they pull away, an older man approaches them.

"Hello, Larissa, my darling daughter." He said. "Father?!" Said Larissa excitedly. Her father nods and Larissa wraps him into a hug. "So, this is your father?" Asked Paul. "That's right, hon. Father, I'd like you to meet my husband, Paul McCartney." Larissa said. "I'm pleased to meet you, Mr. Miller." Paul said. "You too, Paul. And please, call me Arnold." Said Arnold.

Larissa watches as Paul and her father shake hands. "How long were you two married?" Arnold asked. "Not very long. Because, some idiot killed my Paulie and he died in my arms." Said Larissa. "It was one of the worst days ever." Said Paul. Arnold nods in agreement. "I totally get it. Being killed is never fun." He said.

The couple spends the next few minutes talking to Arnold. He eventually floats to another side of the clouds so the two could be alone. Larissa looks over at Paul and smiles at him. He smiles back at her and they both lock eyes.

"I'm so happy to be up here with you!" Larissa said. "Me too, love. Even though our souls left our bodies, we're reunited at last in heaven." Paul said. He caresses Larissa's face and strokes her cheek with his thumb. Larissa does the same thing to him. "I love you so much, Paul, sweetheart. My heart finally feels happy now that we're back together." Larissa said. "I love you too, Larissa, baby. And I feel the exact same way." Said Paul.

The two lean in and kiss. They remain locked in that embrace for a long time as the sun shines on them and brightens up their love. It's even more romantic to say that they lived happily ever after in heaven.

The End

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