Chapter 18 - The Last Goodbye

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It's the middle of the night in the Miller household. Larissa is sound asleep until she feels that same breeze from the last two times. She wakes up to see Paul's spirit floating towards her. She turns on the lights so she could see him better.

"Hello again, darling." Said Paul. Larissa climbs out of bed and wraps her arms around Paul's neck while he wraps his arms around her waist. "That was a beautiful song you sang for me. And your letter was very well written." Said Paul. "You got my letter?!" Larissa asked excitedly. "I did. I may be buried underground, but, I can hear everything you say from heaven." Paul said.

Larissa smiles and pulls him in for a kiss. Their foreheads touch after they pull away. "Oh, how I miss being held by you!" Said Larissa. She caresses Paul's face and sees that he's frowning. "What's wrong, sweetie?" She asked. "After tonight, I won't be visiting you every day." Said Paul. "What?! Why not?" Larissa asked in shock. "I'll still come and see you. Just not as often." Paul said. "So, what should we do for what might be our last night together?" Asked Larissa.

Paul holds his hand for her. "Dance with me, love." He said. "But, we don't have any music." Larissa said. "Who says we need music?" Paul asked with a smirk. Larissa lets out a small giggle. She places her hands on Paul's shoulders while he places his on her hips. They gently sway back and forth to a steady beat.

Larissa leans onto Paul's spiritual chest as they continue to sway. A few minutes later they stop dancing and lock eyes. "That was so romantic!" Said Larissa. "It's definitely something I want to remember when I'm with you, angel." Said Paul. He kisses Larissa on her forehead. "As much I'd like to stay with you, I must return to heaven now, love." He said. Larissa nods sadly as tears fall from her eyes. "I understand, hon." She said. "Believe me, it breaks my heart to leave you, sweetheart." Paul said.

He wraps Larissa into a hug and she hugs him back. "I'm gonna miss you so much! Heck, I still do while you're up there!" Larissa said. "I'll miss you too, honey. Take care of yourself, okay?" Said Paul. "I will, Paul. I promise." Said Larissa. She and Paul share one last kiss. "Goodbye, Larissa, my love." Paul said. "Goodbye, Paul, my baby boy." Larissa said.

Before floating away and disappearing, Larissa grabs Paul's hand. "Please, don't leave me!" She said. "I'll always be with you, darling. In your heart, that is." Said Paul. Larissa gives an understanding nod. "I love you so much, Paulie!" She said sobbing. "I love you too, sweetie. I've always loved you." Paul said.

Larissa lets go of Paul's hand as he floats away and disappears before her eyes. "I'll never forget you." She whispered. She climbs back into bed and spends the rest of the night drowning her pillow with her tears.

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