Save Me

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Kongpob puts his left hand on Arthit's waist, pulls him close to him and they both dances on the night.

"P'Arthit, you know, I sometimes wonder, If I changed my faculty to economics from the start, would we still meet?" Kongpob asks him.

"Maybe or maybe not." Arthit says and looks at Kongpob who's already making a sad face.

"I don't know we could still meet or not, but I'm sure about one thing." Arthit says with a mischievous smile.

"What's that P'Arthit?" Kongpob asks curiously.

" hazing days would be definitely much better. Without any challenge, without someone giving me headache." Arthit says and smiles more. He can see his husband is looking at him with those cute puppy eyes.

"But it wouldn't be this interesting, like now." Arthit says looking elsewhere. Kongpob frowns and tries to understand what his lover is trying to say.

"What do you mean, P'Arthit?"

"Umm...I...I mean, our memories, which I fond of couldn't be like this, if you wouldn't be there." Arthit says shyly. Kongpob smiles widely at this.

"Same for me. I love it here, my faculty, where there's my friends, my seniors, our beautiful memories and most importantly you exists." Kongpob says whispering in Arthit's ear.

At the same time, the music changes into a very romantic solo and the couple dances happily on it.

From a little distance, Prince and his friends watching the couple, who is enjoying each other's presence very much and forgetting about anything around them.

"Ai'Prince, he is already married. Try to forget him." Mark, a friend of Prince patts on his shoulder.

"It's not so easy!" Prince says as a matter of fact.

"We know it's not easy as saying, but that's what you have to do now." Sara, the engineering star comforts her friend.

"Do you know, how it feels when the person you love, dances happily with other?" Prince says with sad face. His friends silently listen to him.

"It hurts real hard!" Prince says sadly. "But when I see P'Kong's broad smile, I don't feel hurt, but happiness." Prince says with a little smile. His friends can only listen to him. They have no words to comfort him.

"I only wish to see him happy everyday." Prince says as he tries to hold back his tears.


Pete is following M everywhere, wherever in the party he goes. The guy is trying his fullest to ignore this senior, but wherever he is going, the senior is also going to make him irritated.

"What the hell, P'Pete?" M asks annoyed.

"Nothing..." Pete says smiling to him sweetly. M looks at the guy for a few seconds. He is trying to know why suddenly he being so good to him.

"Am I looking extremely handsome today?" Pete asks to the junior.

"Everyone is better looking than you." M says to him.

"But no one is as good looking as you." Pete says to M. M again looks to the senior and tries to figure out the whole situation.

Suddenly Sun comes and M greets the senior with his broad smile. Pete feels his heart is burning and it's more than before. And this time, he may be knows why his heart is like this!

M and Sun talks about many things, but Pete seems to doesn't hear anything. His eyes are only sticking to M, who's looking very adorable in his eyes.

"So can you come at the weekend?! If you have study or other works, you don't have to." Sun says to M.

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