Oblivious To Hints

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Arthit is strolling in the garden of Sutthilluk mansion. He loves to stroll this peaceful area, whenever he feels lonely, sad or stressed out about something. This particular area of the garden is filled with roses, some trees planted by Kongpob's own hand, as the younger fond of roses. And this place is like giving him the peace of mind. Arthit thinks his babies also like this place.

After the news of having triplets, the mothers became overprotective. They insisted that Arthit and Kongpob must stay in the mansion, so that they can always look after Arthit.

Kongpob happily agreed to the suggestion, as he feels relief if Arthit is under their mother care. Arthit also agreed with their suggestion. So now the couple is here, staying here for last two weeks.

Last two weeks were very happy time or you can say it was more 'pamper' time for Arthit. He was thoroughly pampered by his husband and in-laws. His parents also visited and brought lots of food for him to eat. His sleep, eating, walking everything was strictly monitored. And nevertheless, he had to eat lots of veggies, which was simply pain in the ass.

Arthit would lie, if he say he didn't enjoy being pampered. Most of the time, he loved whenever Kongpob spends time with his little family. He laughed when the younger guy kissed over clothes over his belly.

"They are very small, Kongpob. They won't know your touch or kisses." Arthit said.

"Oh, P'. You really don't know a thing about pregnancy. You have to read those books. Those says, babies can feel parents touch, love, care. And who am I saying? I know you tattle tale behind my back, making a team with our children? Why do you do that if they can't hear?" Kongpob said with big smile. Arthit blushed and felt embarrassed. How could Kongpob knew that!

But today Arthit is not feeling well. Not on physical aspects, but on his mind. It's a mess. Last few days everything was normal, very normal, except one thing. Which is very rare for Kongpob, and that giving Arthit headache.

Arthit was expecting the younger one to initiate their physical activity when they were alone. After all, the doctor said now they can do 'it'. But to Arthit's utter surprise, Kongpob wasn't doing anything like that. After all, the younger's libido is, can be said very extreme! Moreover Arthit tried giving hints multiple times, but the younger one wasn't taking the obvious hints!

Attempt 1:

"P'Arthit, did you enjoyed it?" Kongpob asked Arthit, who was eating the last scoop of the strawberry icecream from the box. The older one suddenly craved for icecream at 3:15 AM, and he asked him to get him strawberry icecream. Thank God! Kongpob found one in their refrigerator, which he bought beforehand.

"Hmm.... It's yummy!" After the delicious treat, Arthit felt contended. He also felt sorry to woke up his sleepy husband.

"Sorry na Kong! I didn't know it was in our fridge. If I knew, I wouldn't wake you up." Arthit said feeling guilty.

"It's ok, P'. Anything for you." Kongpob gives him his sweet smile. Suddenly Arthit felt the immense urge to kiss Kongpob. So without wasting time, he pressed his soft ones with Kongpob's.

The kiss was an innocent one, but became a passionate one after few seconds. Arthit felt his whole body was craving for Kongpob's touch. But before he could go any further, Kongpob separated himself from him.

"P'Arthit should go to sleep. It's late night. And P' have classes in the morning." Kongpob said to him with his smile.

Arthit felt very shy, and somehow disappointed. He wanted something more to happen. So he tried to protest fighting every embarrassment. "B-but class is o-on 11."

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