Let's Party Tonight

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"Sorry, but it seems like you can't get under the procedure." Dr. Beam says with expressionless face.

"W-what?!" The couple says unison. Kongpob looks at Arthit who's feeling heartbroken with this sudden change of situation.

"Why? What's the matter? Is it because of the reports? Is P'Arthit ok?" Kongpob asks worriedly.

"To tell that, I have to run a test now to confirm something. Arthit, lay down over the bed." Beam says Arthit directing to lay over the patient's bed.

Then he instructs Arthit to open his shirt upto midchest and also to lower down his pant to expose the lower part of his belly. After that he pores a small amount of gel over there and brings a probe over the skin of his belly.

Beam looks into a monitor for a couple of minutes, and Arthit and Kongpob also looks at the monitor for figuring out what's going on, which they obviously can't figure out. Then Beam takes away the probe and instructs him to come sit in front of him.

"P'Beam, Can you tell me now what's going on?" Kongpob asks impatiently. Arthit looks with the rest of his hope.

"Yeah, I checked again to confirm it. And I must say Arthit is a very rare case. It seems like a blessing for him, who wants to have a uterus transplant." Beam says with his broad smile.

"Now I'm confused. You told I can't go through the procedure. Now telling me, I'm blessed. P'Beam, Can you tell me clearly?" Arthit asks confused.

"Ok, in your reports everything is perfect. Your body is suitable for an uterus transplantation." Beam says to them.

"Then what's the problem?" Kongpob asks.

"I never said there's a problem. I only said he can't go through this procedure." Beam says.

"But why? If everything is alright, then why can't I get through the procedure?" Arthit asks impatiently. He doesn't want to loose his last chance.

"Because you already have uterus in your body. So there's no need of transplant." Beam says with a smile.

"What?!" Arthit and Kongpob both says loudly. They wasn't expecting anything like this. Arthit quickly looks at Beam and Kongpob, then looks at his feet. His brain starts to overwork with all the talk.

If I have already an uterus in my body, then what am I? Am I a transgender or hermaphrodite? What's Kongpob thinking of me? Will he freak out about me? Arthit thinks for a couple of minutes.

"Then...umm..Am I...ummm..." Arthit hesitates to say further.

"Hermaphrodite? Transgender?" Beam asks looking straightly at Arthit. Arthit surprised as how can Beam know his thoughts.

"No way! You're a perfectly healthy man. It's a birth defect by which you got an uterus inside your body, and now it is non-functioning." Beam says to him. But Arthit still doesn't convince.

"Don't worry, Arthit. When I was in a training team, we got a case of 70 years old male, who has four children with his wife and never knew he had an non-functioning uterus just like you. That was diagnosed accidentally and that means he had the ability to conceive child." Beam says clearly. Arthit felt relieved as he is not a freak and the alone case in the world. And that means he have a chance.

"But you said it's non-functioning. Which means he can't conceive." Kongpob says. Arthit looks feeling sad again.

"Yeah, it's now non-functioning. Because there's perfect amounts of male hormones in his body. We will give him some hormones, which we call hormone therapy, and if all goes well then after this therapy the uterus will be functioning and Arthit will able to conceive as he want." Beam says to them.

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