Last Day Of Summer - Jupiter

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Staring at myself in my full body mirror, I admired my petite body. Noticing my long blonde hair placed messily on my shoulders, moving a couple of pieces out the way and smiling at myself. I Lean in closer to the mirror as I apply a small coat of gloss on my pink plump lips and rub them together. Doing a slight twirl and admiring the back of me, I notice how nice my ass was looking in my black leather skirt. My boobs looking nearly twice as bigger in my Victoria's Secret bra hidden under my bright yellow crop top. I huff, jumping around some as I slip my black stiletto heels on and make my way down the stairs. My dad passed out drunk on the couch, as usual, and the tv blasting football highlights. I make my way slowly to the front door, trying to avoid tripping in the darkness ahead of me. I quickly slip outside enjoying the warm summer California breeze that danced against my shoulders. My phone goes off startling me some before I read the small message from Tony.

Pulling up now be ready 👏

I smile at my phone before putting it away into my purse. Moments later headlights come from down the street and I quickly make my way to the end of the driveway. The loud bumping of hip hop music and laughter rays from the truck as I make my way closer and jump into the passenger seat.

Estrella, ecstatic and already drunk in the back seat grabs my shoulder and kisses my cheek "babes! You don't know how happy I am to see you!" She screeches, stroking my hair. I blush and turn around seeing the others in the back; Estrella sitting on Derek's lap, as Melissa and Jordan make out in the back. Everyone else is quite older than us by a couple of years. Estrella and I are the only 14-year-olds, the rest range from 15 to 18.
Estrella giggles loudly in Derek's lap and repeatedly falls back enough, each time revealing her pink panties under her skirt. But of course, she didn't seem to care. Tony reaches over and touches my thigh, giving it a slight squeeze before slipping his hand up higher and giving my black lace panties a slight rub with the tip of his pinky finger. I push his hand away playfully, giggling to myself about how handsy the boys may be at times. I then continue to enjoy the cool breeze that blasted through the windows of the car, watching the road as we got closer to the house.

Moments later we arrive at Tony's, pulling into the driveway, everyone immediately hops out. We all walk to the backyard and make our way into a circle sitting at the table on the deck. Derek pulls out his weed and Rellos, immediately starts rolling up a blunt as does Estrella and a couple of others. Tony grabs my arm and pulls me to the side, holding up a small bag of what seemed to look like coke.

"Ready to get on another level?" He asked, looking into my eyes. It already seemed like he's done plenty of it.

"I've never done that before.." I responded, my eyes peering at the bag of white powder, contemplating if I wanted to give it a try. I've popped other things and smoke weed but never thought about coke until now. 

"Come on you'll be okay," Tony responded with a smirk.

Before being able to respond Tony leans down and takes a long line of coke that he laid out on the railing. Grunting afterward then laying out a small one for me. I reluctantly lean down and sniff up the substance the same. My eyes roll back slightly before I shake my head as my eyes start to water.

"Jesus.." I mumble trying to keep my balance, a frown spreading across my face as the awful taste dripped down my throat. 

"You'll feel better soon" Tony responded, laughing at me.

"You guys coming or what?" Derek yelled as he tries to pass us the blunt from the table.

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