First Day Of High School - Estrella

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As the sunbeams through the windows, I wince getting deeper under the blankets trying to get every second of sleep I can. Jupiter turns over and squeezes my ass tightly, I jump and giggle immediately breaking free under the blanket.

"Okay, I'm up," I say softly, my voice cracked and my hair everywhere.

"You ready for the first day of high school, bitch?" Jupiter says as she pushes back my dark curly hair from my face.

"Not at all.." I groan and put my face down in the pillow. Jupiter pushes me and giggles, climbing out of bed after.

"Come on lazy slut, it should be fun!" Jupiter says as I watch her pull her tight skinny jeans over her little legs. She brushes her platinum blonde hair back so it falls on the back of her shoulders and grabs a pink tube top along with a gold "daddy" necklace. I smirk and climb out of bed grabbing my emergency outfit stash I always keep at Jupiter's house for reasons like this. I grab my red maxi dress and slip it on, it clings to my curvy body beautifully, making my ass pop even more than usual. I grab my spray bottle and add water to my hair, taming my wild curls so they lay beautifully and add red lipstick to fit the outfit together.

"All I need is shoes and a toothbrush, I'm good to go," I say to Jupiter before she hands me the black stilettos she wore last night. I slip them on then make my way to the bathroom, grabbing the toothbrush I always keep here and brush my teeth quickly. Jupiter and I quickly grab our school purses and head out the door, entering the Uber to our first day of high school. 

We arrive at the front of the school. Jupiter and I step out the Uber looking at each other with a smile as we walk together to the front entrance. The cool ac blowing against my skin making me immediately feel more comfortable. As we walk down the hallway to our assigned lockers I could feel the eyes of all the boys on me as I walk. The clink of my heels tapping the ground and the sway of my hips, making my ass jiggle in the process behind me. I gave some a light smirk but continued to mostly not pay attention. Giving a mysterious attitude for the upper-class kids.
Jupiter and I both get to our lockers beside each other and put our books away, chit-chatting about the cute boys we saw.
Jupiter stopped mid-sentence once she glanced at her phone, she raised her brow before showing me the screen of it.

Jordan 😀
Would love to see you tonight, I'm free around 8. Lmk

I stare at the text blankly and giggle some "really? Jordan? You can do better his dick is kinda small.." I roll my eyes and pick under my nails, avoiding eye contact.

"Damn him too? But he's been with Melissa forever. He must really be no good.." Jupiter responds "He tried to fuck me last night, but I turned him down of course" she added

I raise my brow and make eye contact with her "no wonder they brought up the Virgin topic" I respond once we begin to walk towards the auditorium for morning announcements "wow I feel bad for Melissa, Jordan really is a fuck boy" I add, we both laugh together entering the auditorium as all the other students flooded in with us. Taking each other hands we both make our way mid-row in the auditorium, all the seats around us are empty but slowly filling up. Across the room I spot a tall light man with long dreads and green tips, he's only wearing a wife-beater exposing all his tattoos along his chest, neck, arms, and back. He also had a couple of tats on his face, above his brow, and under his eye. He flashed a smile at someone else helping me notice his shiny grills twinkle in the shitty lighting. I nudge Jupiter and point slightly at him.

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