Secrets Come Out - Jupiter

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I spent most of my day quiet, barely speaking. Jordan tried talking to me a couple of times but I continuously turned him down. I walk through the cafeteria ignoring the lunch line, I wasn't hungry for food. I haven't been for days now, it's not like I can keep the food down anyway.

I go outside to the lunch tables and sit at the one furthest away from the one we all usually sat at. Today I just wanted to be alone, I didn't want to hear their conversations about sex, parties, and drugs. I just want to be alone! I grab my book and place the hood to my hoodie over my head, reading in silence for a while until a lunch tray hit against the table beside me.

"Hey, Jupiter, what's up?" Said Derek as he sat down next to me "are we sitting over here now? Where's your milkshake and fries?" he added, unwrapping his burger.

I sit up and turn to look at Derek letting out a deep breath "listen, Derek-" I try saying before I could finish; Estrella, Jordan, and Troy come walking and sit down around me.

I close my book and look at everyone, a sign of concern on everyone's faces as they stared at me "Jupiter we're worried about you" Estrella says, her head rested against her hand. She looked tired and drained. Which was odd for Estrella.

I shook my head and looked down at my book "Why are you worried about me?" My voice low. A few moments later, Christian and Easton walk over to the table and take a seat. Everyone's eyes are still focused on me. Why am I in the hot seat? Everyone here has problems at this table and I don't grill them. They should be grilling Easton and not me.

"Can you just talk to me please, babe?" Jordan says touching my arm.

I yank my arm away quickly, almost like his hand was a hot flame burning me and I quickly glance over at Easton who was fixed on his own conversation with Troy.

I rub my arm and stare at everyone. Finally enough, my thoughts snap and furrow my brows, looking down "Troy sucked off Alex Voltage on the football team. Nobody is telling him to come out the closet" the words quickly pour out of me and everyone at the table goes silent. Some eyes turn to Troy as he stopped talking during his conversation.

Troy stands up and raises his voice at me "What the fuck are you talking about, bitch?"

I ignore his response and look at Derek who is sitting beside me quietly "Derek fucked Melissa too and still is" I say, my eyes stuck on Derek as he looks between me and Jordan.

Christian and Easton sit quietly in the back and listen in on everything I say "Jordan made a bet with all the guys to see how long it would take to get me to fuck him" I say, turning my attention to Jordan. He looked nervous and scared.

Everyone stayed quiet and looked around at each other in complete shock as I aired out their secrets "And last but not least, Estrella is pregnant" I smirk at Estrella who was sitting confidently next to Christian.

Everyone froze at the table but Estrella and her eyes burned a hole into me "what the fuck, Jupiter?!" She said as she stood up, her chair screeching loud against the concrete floor as it pulled out underneath her. Christian looks up at her and his cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"It's true. So Derek, Troy.. you might be a father" I add, speaking in a soft sneaky tone. "Oh and let's not forget Ruby.." I add, standing up so I'm face to face with Estrella from across the table. Our eyes burning on each other. Her face is red and her hand is balled up into a fist. I could see her blood boiling and her breathing get heavier.

I keep my eyes on Estrella and speak in a low tone "So now will everyone believe me when I say I want to be left alone? cause we all have issues at this table, some worse than others.." I grab my bag and keep my eyes on Estrella as she stood in shock and fury. I walk away from the table and head back inside. Almost feeling victorious for my actions.

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