Set The Trap - Christian

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I bang on apartment door 208, not stopping until the door swung open and Ruby is on the other end of it, shirtless and smoke pouring out the door against me.

"You coming in or what?" Ruby says, leaning out the way for me to walk in.

I step inside quickly and Ruby shuts the door behind me, I turn and look at him "Why haven't you answered my texts or calls?!" I yell over the loud music. My attention turns to Chelsea laid out on the bed across the condo and just a sheet covering her body "Oh.. hey Chelsea" I say, my cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

She smiled and waved back at me, clearly high off whatever drugs my brother gave her "I was busy, obviously. What do you want?" Ruby says as he cuts the music down, making my attention go back on him as he grabbed his pack of Newports off the kitchen counter.

"Can we talk out here?" I say as I walk towards the balcony doors and proceed to step out. Ruby follows behind and shuts the door behind him, lighting a cigarette afterward and leaning against the railing.

"So what's up?" He says, staring down at the busy LA street. Him being so nonchalant, almost like he didn't care or know what was going on.

I raise my brow at Ruby and scoff "what's up? Why didn't you tell me you were fucking Estrella?"

Ruby nods and looks up at me "I'm fucking Estrella" his tone sarcastic and dick-ish.

I groan and run a hand through my hair "So she's pregnant? Are you the dad?"

Ruby sits up straight and flicks the ash off his cigarette "Why would you question that? Of course, I'm the dad"

I shake my head and poke my chest out some, feeling Ruby get defensive "it's a possibility between you and two others"

Ruby smirks and hits his cig, thinking to himself for a moment like this was news to him "Well isn't that swell?"

I roll my eyes at Ruby's ridiculous responses "You serious right now?"

Ruby raises a brow at me and wipes off a bit of ash that landed on his chest from his cigarette "how was I supposed to know you liked the girl? I barely see you"

I nod and shrug some, agreeing "yeah, well... you're right" not really knowing what to say.

Ruby turns and hits his cigarette one more time before throwing it over the balcony "So are we done now? I have shit to do and I don't have time for a heart to heart" Ruby says, looking at me.

I nod and look towards the glass sliding doors "Yeah, I guess but.. just talk to me some more, dude. We're still brothers" I say, looking back at Ruby.

Ruby nods and starts texting on his phone, almost like he was purposely ignoring me "Yeah dude just let yourself out, okay?"

I furrow my brows and start walking towards the door "Hey.." Ruby says, his eyes still stuck on his phone before he takes a moment to look at me. I turn to look at him and see what he had to say "Stay away from Estrella" he adds, turning his attention back onto his phone and turning away from me as he leaned back against the railing. I stare for a moment then head back inside the condo heading for the door. Chelsea is sleeping on the bed, her arms and legs stretched out almost like she was lifeless. I open the door and head out, walking down the complex hallway and not looking back.

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