3 months later - Estrella

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Its December now and the air is starting
to get a bit cooler, and Frost is appearing against the windows during the morning and when the sun starts to go down. The sun takes a while longer to come up and quickly starts to set.
I'm starting to show more each day, it's getting harder and harder to hide my stomach from everyone else, but the whole school pretty much already knew I was pregnant. My tiny baby bump almost grew overnight. I sit on my bed and smile, looking at myself in the mirror from across the room. My hard, round belly poking out some and I rub my hands against it, sliding them around the sides. Who knew pregnancy could be so beautiful and rough at the same time? I can't count how many times I've thrown up since the last month. It's better now though, I'm finally eating more again and I'm taking prenatal's daily. My mom figured out I was pregnant the day I threw up from the smell of bacon, she knew I was cause she was the same way when pregnant with me.

My boobs are a lot bigger and I'm starting to develop more of a womanly shape. The prenatal's are making my hair and nails grow like crazy and I'm starting to feel a lot better. The other night I felt the baby move for the first time and today, I find out the gender. Ruby and I both want a boy, we've been talking about this the whole time. We decided to make him a junior if it is, but a girl we haven't really talked about. I think Ruby is adamant on a boy.

My mom opens my door slowly and peeks in at me "you ready? We can't be late for the appointment"

I nod and slip my shoes on, standing up slowly off the bed. At this point, you can see my stomach getting bigger and poking through my shirt. My mom helps me down the steps and we both follow each other outside and step inside the car. It smells like fresh Daisies and clean Landry. My mom sat quietly and started the car, pulling out the driveway and heading to our destination.

My mom looks over at me with a smile then back on the road "Jupiter's birthday is tomorrow, do you want to stop and get her something nice?"

I almost forgot about her birthday caught up in my own problems. I haven't really talked to Jupiter since the confrontation at lunch and she hasn't really been welcoming since. Everyone has kept their distance from her, but Easton. He's the only one to seem to get some words to come out of her mouth.

I shake my head and smile "no, I don't think she's in the mood for gifts this year"

My mom stays quiet for a moment forgetting how distant Jupiter has been these past months. She then decides to speak up at a stoplight "I have something I need to talk to you about"

I look over at my mom and nod, waiting for her to continue "I have to work a double tonight, so I won't be home until tomorrow afternoon. Lance said he will cook dinner so you can eat, he works in the morning so he won't be up and around too late. I know this will be your first time being alone with him. I just want to prepare you first, but please be on your best behavior"

I nod, taking everything in "of course, mom" I look over at her and smile. We both remain silent for the rest of the ride to the appointment. My mom really wasn't the one for small talk. Once we make it there, we both step into the waiting room and have a seat. This was the worst part of being pregnant, the waiting in the waiting room. It almost always took forever only for them to do uncomfortable things with me. It's always freezing cold, they act like it's blazing hot outside. About 20 minutes pass and the ob-gyn calls me into the back, my mom and I both follow into the ultrasound room. Moments like these made me wish Ruby was around to experience this with me. But he's always busy, so he says. I lay down on the table and pull my shirt up, allowing the nurse to apply the jelly to my stomach. She looks around at the baby as my mom and I watch on the monitor. She tells us the baby is healthy and doing fine, I'm a little small for 4 months but everything is going great. She soon tells us the baby is, in fact, a girl and my mom went ecstatic.

I Think We're Doomed - Freshmen Year Where stories live. Discover now