Oh Brother - Jupiter

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It's Saturday morning, my dad and I have cleaned every inch of the house for the past two days in preparation for Nancy to move in. We've sat and had little lunches with Nancy but nothing too special. At some points, she mentioned her son Easton and warned the fact he might have to come to live with us for a while, At least until his dad could take him for a while. He mentioned him being quiet and a good boy. I simply swept the fact over my shoulder and ignored it. Who knew Nancy had a baby? My dad mentioned her having a son, but not a baby? I hope she doesn't bring the kid, I don't plan on changing anyone's diapers anytime soon.

Once we finished cleaning the downstairs area I followed my dad up. We both walk upstairs and he makes his way to the guest bedroom adding new sheets and blankets to the spare bed.

I watch him for a while in confusion and cross my arms "Why are you adding clean sheets? Nobody is gonna be in here, you're really doing a lot to impress this women, dad"

Dad straightens the sheets out and starts adding new pillowcases "I thought I told you, she has a son?" he said, flopping the fresh pillows on the bed.

I walk closer to my dad and shrug my shoulders "yeah, but why does a baby need a whole room to themselves?"

My dad straightens up and raises his brow "baby? Easton is around your age, sixteen maybe. You're going to school together, I thought it would be perfect for him since he has you to show him around"

I roll my eyes and sigh softly "why did she call him a good boy? That's usually what you call a baby.." I respond, still puzzled by another teenager living in the house with me.

My dad chuckles and shrugs "that's just how Nancy is. I've met the boy a couple of times and he's a cool character, not much of a talker though"

I nod and chew on my lip "Okay, I guess that's cool"

Dad nods and looks down for a moment, grabbing the blankets and unfolding them for the bed "promise to be on your best behavior, Jupiter" my dad pleads, looking back up at me.

I smile devilishly at him "only if you let me go out tonight and we have a deal, I'll be on my best behavior"

My dad stops adding blankets to the bed and stares at me "Who is the adult here and who is the parent?! Me I'm the parent! And when I say be on your best behavior that's what you should be! Where do you even go anyway? Don't act like I haven't noticed you coming home after twelve most nights" My dad yells, his face red with madness. I guess he's on edge cause he's cut back on daily drinking since dating Nancy. It's good but you could tell he was taking it out on me at this point and not himself.

I blink for a moment and nod "okay.." I say softly.

My dad nods back then completes the bed, giving the pillows a nice fluff before walking out the guest bedroom, whistling and acting as if he never even said a word to me. I roll my eyes and walk out, hopping down the steps and into the kitchen as I grab an apple from off the counter and take a bite. A soft knock comes at the door and my dad immediately straightens up his collard shirt. He checks his hair and straightens up with the reflection on the fridge before he walks to the front door and opens it slowly with a grin on his face. I roll my eyes in disbelief and continue to eat my apple watching my dad put on an act. Nancy walks in wearing a black pencil skirt and a white button-up, her hair short cut like a bob and jet black. A couple of other movers barge in behind her with her belongings, placing all the items scattered around in the living room. My dad watches them while also catching up with Nancy as she talked on and on about the drive here. And I barely noticed in the background, I watch all the movers and admire their strong arms carrying all the furniture inside our house. It wasn't a lot, but enough to break a sweat. Once they were done one stayed behind. His face was pleasant but he had strong eyes, his hair cut short on the sides but the tips of his hair on top were blonde and he had it in a little bun. We both peered over at one another for a moment until Nancy finally noticed me watching them from the kitchen.

"Oh! darling, you are so beautiful! Hello, it's so nice to see you again" she said as she air-kissed me and sat back to smile in my face. Nancy grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him in closer to greet me "this is my son Easton, he's 17 and plays very well at football. Right, son?" She looks up at him and smiles, rubbing his back in the process.

Easton nods and blinks, his long eyelashes and dark green eyes even twinkling in the shitty lighting "Yes, I'm hoping to get on a team at the new school" he said, his eyes directly on the ground.

I nod and smile up at him "Our team kinda sucks so we might need you" we both laugh together and Nancy makes herself comfortable by starting to cook and Easton helps my dad put the furniture in places around the house. I take it upon myself to sneak off upstairs to my room and start early on some homework. I spread my books out across my bed and start on world history. I was so into my work, I barely noticed my arms were getting tired and starting to hurt. About an hour or so passes and the sun is already gone down. The house is filled with the smell of grilled chicken and spaghetti, I didn't realize how hungry I was until I smelt it. I try to hurry and finish my math work, excited to feast on a home-cooked meal when a soft knock came to my door.

The door opened slowly and Easton slipped in my room, his head down as he talked to me "My mom wanted me to tell you dinner is ready" he said in a soft voice. I smile and nod at him, closing all books as I follow him downstairs. The whole time Easton only has looked at me once. Maybe he feels just as awkward as I do? We get downstairs and my dad is sat at the dinner table as Nancy served him a big plate of food. Nancy pulled the chair out for Easton and sat him down while I sat down across from him. She severed us all a large plate of lightly grilled chicken and spaghetti, with ice tea as a refreshment. She sat down at the table with us, a large smile on her face as she watched my dad dig in immediately and her son takes little bites carefully. I twirl some spaghetti on my fork and take a bite, it's actually quite good.

Nancy watches us for a bit longer, excited to hear feedback "so how is it?" She asked, her smile still remaining.

My dad nods "amazing, my darling" his mouth still stuffed with food.

Easton keeps his eyes on his plate "it's great as usual mom"

I smile at Nancy "it's wonderful, thanks" my dad looks over at me and smiles slightly before turning his attention back on his food.

We all sat quietly and finished our meals, letting some small talk slide but barely. My dad sits back in his seat once he finishes and lets out a soft belch, grabbing his beer belly that once was a six-pack.

"Jupiter is going out tonight with some friends, you should join her. I'll let you guys take the car, just promise to be back at a decent time" my dad says to Easton while picking food out his teeth.

I look around at the table and back at my dad "but he doesn't know anybody-"

My dad immediately cuts back in "it's perfect for him to start making some friends, it's the weekend. It'll be easier for school" my dad stares over at me. He did this on purpose cause I agreed earlier to be on my best behavior. Can't believe my own dad played me.

I keep my head down and stay quiet, Easton clears his throat and finally speaks up "We'll be back before midnight"

I look up at Easton and he keeps his eyes on my dad, they both smile at each other and Easton stands up once my dad tosses him the keys. I roll my eyes, giving into my dad commands and go upstairs to grab my jacket. I can hear Easton and my dad chatting about the night as I grab my things and head back downstairs. As I come back down I watch my dad give Eason a firm and friendly grip on the shoulder. Once they notice me at the bottom of the step my dad waves us off and follows Nancy upstairs, I almost didn't notice the bottle of wine he had tucked in his hand as he went up. So much for cutting back... I took a moment to look over at Easton, still nothing. Why won't he look at me? We both step outside and get invited by a cool breeze as we walk to the BMW. We both climb in and I text for the address to the party.

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