Third-period - Jordan

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We all sat at the lunch table; Jupiter, Ruby, Troy, Estrella, Derek, me and Melissa of course, who can't seem to get the hint to leave us alone. But she still seems to think these are her friends too even though I practically am done with her. We all chat amongst each other, Jupiter on one side of me, Melissa on the other. Jupiter had her handheld in mine under the table, and we pretended as if everything was fine.

"Everybody ready for this party tomorrow?" Troy asks, everyone joins in and gets excited.

"Hell yeah, I'm getting fucked up!" Derek adds and they all dap each other up in agreement.

Ruby nods and smirks looking around "I'm the special guest performer" he comments in a mellow tone.

Derek and Troy jump up in joy and laugh "hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about. My boy Ruby is doing it big!" Troy yells, gripping Ruby's shoulder in a friendly manner.

I bite my lip and squeeze Jupiter's hand, she looks up and smiles at me quickly. I could tell she wasn't comfortable with Melissa around.

Jupiter stands up after a while and let's go of my hand "I have to go you guys, my dad wants me home early to clean so... yeah" she says oddly, quickly getting out her seat.

We all nod and wave goodbye to Jupiter "bye, see you later" I respond watching her walk off. Her eyes were kind of wide but looked dead at the same time, she sounded ultra-relaxed and content. What's up with that? I could feel Melissa's jealousy get higher anytime I acknowledged Jupiter. I need to get away from her before she starts talking to me. I quickly stand up and grab my bag.

"Hey, I got to use the bathroom, be right back" I walk-off inside the building and hurry off to the men's bathroom, standing up in front of the urinals and taking a long well-needed piss. I shake myself off than get my pants back together accordingly. Making my way over I Turn the sink water on and wash my hands with a little soap then stare at myself in the mirror. I take both of my wet hands and drag them through my hair, giving my loopy curls a little more volume than before with the water. Sighing to myself, I remember how Jupiter looked and how weird she was acting today. I hope everything is okay between us, I mean. We just started dating, I don't want things to go left already. I shake myself out of thought and walk out of the bathroom.

Once I stepped out the bathroom I watched Estrella walk down the hall slow, using the side of her body as a grip as she stumbled slightly down the hall.

"Estrella?" I said, watching her. She stayed quiet then looked at me before she collapsed onto the floor. Vomit poured out of Estrella's mouth and she held on to my shirt as grip once I ran over to help her stay up to avoid her falling into her own throw-up. Estrella lets it out for a moment before she completely collapses into my arms, I slide down to the ground and sit with her, making sure to stay away from the pile of vomit she left on the hallway floor. Did she take something bad? Is she overdosing? I don't know what to do.

Estrella looks lifeless in my arms and I tapped her cheeks a couple of times to wake her up "What did you take, Estrella? Come on, please be okay" I said in a panic

She opened her eyes slowly and sat up, lightly gagging but catching herself not to throw up again "I didn't take anything.."

I shake my head and move back some "then why did you just... die!" I say in a dramatic tone

Estrella shook her head as she held it and sighed "I don't know, I've been doing that for a couple of days now"

I help her up by holding her hand and she dusts herself off "You're okay though, right?" I say in a softer and lower tone.

Estrella nods and smiles at me "Yeah, I'll be okay. I just got really, really hot then dizzy, then I had to throw up. Just. A lot going on. I'm sure I'm just... sick or have the flu"

I nod and grab her purse from the ground that fell out her arms during the commotion, I hand the purse over to her "You sure you aren't pregnant?"

Estrella's eyes widen and she snatches her purse back "are you saying I'm fucking fat, Jordan?!"

I laugh and shake my head "no... no, my sister was pregnant before and she would get dizzy and throw up like that. She said it felt like the room was spinning"

Estrella swallows and rolls her eyes "well... I can't be pregnant, I'm too young."

I shrug and chuckle some "So who is the father? Ruby? Christian?"

Estrella's brows furrow and she pushes me back "Hey! I never fucked Christian yet, okay? We don't even hang out after school. And Ruby.. well... Ruby" she looks down, her focus slowly drifts away as she starts thinking more to herself. I could read on her face she was putting pieces together but can't quite fully figure it out.

Estrella taps my shoulder in a friendly manner "Thanks for the help, Jordan. I've got to go though!" She walks off in a hurry, making sure to dodge the large pile of throw up on the floor. I watch Estrella walk away and laugh to myself. The bitch is so pregnant, but who knows who the father could be. Ruby? Derek? Or Troy? They all hit raw and around the same time. I guess we'll find out in a couple of months. I shrug my shoulders and walk off, pretending as if nothing happened.

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