Cafeteria Showdown - Jupiter

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The first and second period was finally over and now it was time to munch. I weaseled my way to the cafeteria and got the same lunch from yesterday; fries and a milkshake. I grab my food and start heading towards the outside entrance. Excited and ready to consume my food. before I could even touch the handle of the door, Melissa stops me in my tracks and stands to block me.

I jump back some and swallow, clinching my food "oh hey Melissa what's up-"

Melissa cuts me off and balls her fist up "don't try to act all nice with me now, you bitch! Instead of being a sneaky little slut you should've told me you wanted Jordan"

I shake my head and take one step back "I- I- uh don't know-"

Melissa cuts me off once again "fuck your excuses bitch! It's obvious you're just like Estrella, a little fucking whore!" She huffs loudly and looks around before her eyes go back on me "and to believe I listened to you about Jordan or anything you said. You probably fucked him like the dirty slut you are"

I shake my head instantly and plead "no I never fucked Jordan, I swear! I'm a Virgin, everybody knows this"

Melissa chuckles and crosses her arms "Virgin my ass! The only thing that's virgin on you is your tits sweetheart" she smirks and rolls her eyes at me.

Jordan comes running over and stands between us "the fuck is going on, Melissa?" He asks, looking at her with a stern expression.

"Me? Why am I the problem, you're the one fucking this little girl!" She shoots back, slamming her foot on the ground at Jordan.

"Oh really? And you fucked my best friend... Jupiter and I never fucked. I promise I would've told you that, I'd love to rub that in your face " he responds smirking at Melissa.

Melissa looks at us both and sucks her teeth "So you're fucking with her now? The cocaine slut" she looks me up and down in disgust and I swallow hard still clinching at my food.

Jordan looks at me with pity then looks down at his feet as he shakes his head "all I know, Melissa is that I'm not fucking with you... I stayed with you even after you cheated. Now you're mad I want to move on?"

Melissa goes quiet for a second as her face goes blank. She swallows and turns to me "You'll regret this little bitch" she whispers before walking away from the both of us.

Jordan turns to me and scratches the back of his head "I'm sorry... I didn't-"

I shake my head and smiled weakly, cutting him off "no, don't apologize. It's not your fault, Jordan"

Jordan nods and smiles back at me "well I guess I'll see you la-"

Before he could finish I shake my head and grab his arm "no, please come sit with me. I don't know where Estrella is and I don't want to sit alone. You don't even have to talk to me I just need the company, especially after this.."

Jordan nods and blushes softly. Watching Melissa walk away for a moment before we both walk and take a seat outside, I sit my fries between us and Jordan takes a few eating them.

"Thanks, I thought I was gonna have to eat alone today," Jordan says with a chuckle.

I smile at him and offer a sip of my milkshake "no need to thank me, I should be thanking you. I mean if it wasn't for you I'd probably be getting beat up right now"

Jordan chuckles some and covers his mouth as he speaks "Melissa? Beat you up? Melissa can't fight" Jordan swallows his food and laughs "I've seen Melissa gets dragged by her little sister. Trust me you have nothing to worry about" he says as he grabs my milkshake

I nod and smile "maybe, but I've never been in a fight.. this is closest I've ever been to an altercation" I look around some then sigh softly "and after all of this my best friend is nowhere to be found"

Jordan looks around with me and shrugs "heard she's been around Christian all day, guess that's her new boy toy. Plus I thought you'd be used to this by now, you've guys been friends since pampers. How does it still shock you that Estrella does as she pleases?"

I look down and fiddle with my milkshake cup once he hands it back to me "I don't know.. I guess I just never cared until now, and now that we are in high school I think it might get worse" I bite my lip and look at Jordan "I don't want her to make a reputation here too but it's only the second day and it's too late"

Jordan nods and clears his throat "well... yeah but Estrella is gonna want to have to change for herself. I think right now she's just having a bit of fun"

I nod at Jordan's response and smile "maybe you're right, but it would be nice to have your best friends support after what just happen"

Jordan shrugged and smiled at me "well that's what I'm here for, right?"

I nod and smile at Jordan before taking a quick sip of my milkshake. Jordan takes another hand full of fries and eats them. We sit and have a small talk as we share a milkshake and fries together. Ignoring the other classmates walking through has we chill in our own bubble and enjoying our personal conversation. Jordan talks about the childhood rabbit that died during a snowstorm and I share with him my first experience kissing Estrella at camp in 4th grade. The rest of our lunch was spent this way until the bell rang dismissing. Jordan and I get up and make our way inside the school. Eventually splitting off and going on with the end of our day.

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