The Big Fight - Estrella

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Everyone at the lunch table sat quietly and stared at one another. Christian kept his head down, I guess processing everything that was said. He didn't even look at me. Easton seemed unbothered and ate his lunch, while the rest were too shocked to speak.

"Why- why didn't you just tell me this.." Christian mumbled, keeping his head down and his eyes away from me.

I look around and shrug. Troy and Derek both have nervous looks on their face and watch us "I just found out I was pregnant"

Christian scoffs at me and shakes his head "no, I meant about fucking my brother" he turned his head to look at me "wait.. why didn't he say anything?" he adds, thinking more to himself.

It looked like Christian was piecing all the places together in his head when he stood up out his chair "wait, Christian-" I say, grabbing his arm.

He yanks away quickly and snaps at me "don't fucking touch me. I got to go find Ruby" Christian says as he storms away from the table. I sit back in my seat and the boys don't even look at me. Jordon is the next to get up and leave from the table as he storms inside behind Christian.

Troy finally speaks up in a none convincing tone "you guys really don't believe that, do you?"

We all looked at each other then Derek stood up out his seat "Whatever dude" he mumbles as he walks away from the table. His head down and his shoulders slump, walking inside the building.

Easton finally looks up at me and Troy gets closer next to us "What do you think is gonna happen now?" Easton asks, while still devouring his food.

Troy shrugs and watches Easton "I don't know, dude. Hopefully, this drama is over now" Troy says, sighing some.

I shake my head and tap on the table with my nail "Easton do you think you can talk to Jupiter? I want us all to have a chat again. And instead of her airing out everyone else dirty secrets she should say her own, or at least what is bothering her!" I say, my voice is aggressive.

Easton nods and stands up, wiping his face as he stares across the courtyard "I'm on it" he says as he walks away from the table and back inside the school. His lunch tray in his hands.

Troy looks at me and bites his lip "could it really be my baby?" His voice low and his eyes towards the table.

I nod and start to gather my things "Yeah.. but don't worry I'm probably gonna get an abortion" I respond, trying to sound as nice as possible.

Troy nods slowly and I watch him scan the lower half of my body once I stand up and grab my books "I'll see you later, Troy" he nods in response and I walk inside the cafeteria, leaving Troy to himself.

The bell rings and people coming from their last period classes shoot into the hallway. I scoot passed everyone and try my best to make it to the front of the school as quickly as I can. The more I walked the more packed it seemed. I finally make it outside and let out a huge huff as students were gathered around in a circle near the bus loop. I could see Jupiter and Melissa in the middle of the circle face to face, looking like they were ready to fight. Jordan is beside Jupiter trying to encourage her not to fight but I can't make out what is being said, all the other classmates are loudly cheering on and laughing. I can barely hear myself think. I start to intervene by getting closer and walk up to the both of them until a tight grip on my arm pulled me back into the crowd; It was Ruby, I looked up at him surprised but standstill. We both stand and watch as Melissa reaches over to Jupiter, grabbing her by the hair and pushing her head down to the concrete as she repeatedly punched her in the head. Jupiter struggles to get up but rams into Melissa's waist causing her to fall to the ground with her as Jupiter gets on top of Melissa scratching and punching her all at once. You could tell Jupiter's rage was at full throttle at this point as she kept going, trying her best to keep Melissa on the ground. Melissa grabbed Jupiter's hair and Jupiter grabbed hers. Them both now yanking at each other's hair and kicking each other on the ground, giving cheap shots to the face when given the chance. Jason grabs Melissa off of Jupiter and Easton grabs Jupiter pulling them both apart. Instantly we all watch as Jupiter's bodyweight looks like it went missing and she allows Easton to drag her away, her legs dragging against the concrete almost like she was lifeless. He let go of her and she laid in a fetal position on the ground, covering her face with her arms and shaking. Easton tries to get her up but eventually walks away once noticing staff approaching. Jordan watches Jupiter closely, holding back Melissa who was clearly still wilded up as she kicked and screamed in his arms still trying to get to Jupiter. I start to walk over to help but Ruby holds me back once again, keeping me close to him.

I look up at Ruby and furrow my brows "What are you doing?" I asked while trying to pull away.

Ruby kept his eyes on the altercation, his face serious as he watches "We have to talk. Right now"

I nod and he pulls me along towards the parking lot, I look back at Jupiter who is still stuck on the ground and teachers try to help her up. Ruby pushes me towards the passenger side of his red Camero once we reach it and he climbs into the driver seat, watching me get in.

We both sit in silence in the car and Ruby rolls his window down, lighting up a cigarette "So you're pregnant?" He asked quickly, not looking at me.

I nod and respond in a soft tone "Yes.." Ruby stays quiet and hits his cigarette, peering outside the window as he lets out a soft sigh. I squirm nervously in my seat "but... I'm gonna get an abortion soon" I add, keeping my head down.

Before I could even take another breath, Ruby's hand wraps around my neck tightly and automatically makes my breathing much harder. My hands grip onto his trying to pull him off as I breathe desperately through my nose "Listen you're not killing my fucking baby" he says as he looks me in the eyes. His expression is serious and aggressive. My eyes widen in fear and I nod my head as quickly as possible to get him off me. Ruby then releases my neck and sits up straight in his seat.

I shake and tuck the hair behind my ear as I touch my sore neck "Why- Why.." I stutter, tears rolling down my cheeks. Ruby has never put his hands on me before, is this his way of showing he cares?

Ruby throws his cigarette out the window and scoffs "You wanted me, bitch. Now you got me. You're not killing my seed, my child, my blood" Ruby looks over at me with the look of disgust.

I touch my neck and keep my head down, listening to his words. I was too scared to even mention the fact it could possibly not even be his kid.

Ruby leaned over and rubbed his hand against my belly gently "You don't gotta worry about nothing, I'll buy it. Our baby will be okay" Ruby's voice low and almost reassuring. I look over at him and blush lightly as I let him rub my belly. Still too scared to speak, I say nothing and let him continue.

"No more parties, no more staying out late, I don't want to see you doing shit unless it has to be with being a mommy" he adds, grabbing his blunt from the ashtray and rolling the windows up.

I sit back in my seat and bite my lip "I.. I don't want to do that, I'm only 14-"

Ruby slaps his hand against my mouth to shut me up "can you stop saying that? You do realize how old I am, right? And maybe you should've thought about that before you let me cum inside you"

I pull away so his hand moved from my mouth and shake my head "You didn't really give me much choice, Ruby!"

Ruby lights his blunt and takes a couple hits, staying quiet for a moment as he thought to himself then finally speaking up "You want to be given a choice now?" He nods and purses his lips, almost like he had a plan. He puts out the blunt and reaches down in the side of his seat. Quickly he pulled out a silver handgun, playing with it in his hand before he cocked it back and put the gun to my head.

My eyes widen and I shiver, my heart racing quickly as the cold metal from the gun touches against my skin "You kill my fucking baby, I kill you. This is your choice, act on it how you please" Ruby said, his eyes locked onto mine as he kept the gun pressed to head installing fear into me. I nod slowly, scared. Never seeing this side of Ruby before putting me into shock. Ruby nods and puts the gun back, I let out a couple of deep breaths of relief and swallow hard. Even after all of that Ruby is still something so special to me, and if I knew what Love was I think this was the closest I've been to it. This will be the last time Ruby will have to do this cause I'll act right and be a good mom. Maybe now we can be together. That's all I've ever wanted from Ruby, us to be happy. I've never felt this way about anyone else, so I guess I'm not giving up on him.
Ruby started the car and backed out of his parking space. Turning up the music and blasting it as we exited the high school parking lot. I watched from the window as Jupiter walked with the principle back inside the school until it was too far for me to see anymore.

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