Ruby Da Cherry - Ruby

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I grunt and sit up in bed, shaking the dreads out my face before I push them back. My eyes peer over at Estrella as she laid naked in my bed beside me, my plain white sheets mangled between her legs. When did I fall asleep? I smirk and grab my pack of Newport's beside me and take one out, flicking my lighter and placing the flame to the end of my cigarette. Starting Outside the window I notice the sun starting to set, it's starting to get dark. I can't have her over here. I think to myself before I take a couple long drags of my cigarette, I nudge Estrella's naked body a couple of times, trying to wake the worn-out girl up. Staring down at her perfect boobs and clean-shaven pussy, I grabbed my bulge keeping it tamed cause I don't have time for another round. I grab my phone and check the time, it's 7:45 pm. I peer back over to Estrella and lick my lips. I'm so fucking stupid to keep fucking with this young broad. I'm almost 18, I have a lot going on for me. I could get a record deal soon and the bitch isn't even 15 yet. But man she is something you might want to risk it for. Plus she's a stupid bitch, I can tell her things that she's never heard before and she will always come back. I grunt and sit up more in my bed, grabbing my boxers and slipping them on quickly as I climbed out. I watch Estrella turn over into her stomach and continue to rest peacefully. Her thick ass looks perfect on my bed and I lean over and give her ass a hard smack.

Estrella's head jumps up and she yells softly from out her sleep "Hey!"

I smirk and hit my cigarette "I got shit to do soon, I'll give you a ride home or wherever you wanna go. But you gotta leave"

Estrella sits up and covers her body, biting her lip as she looked at me "why can't you stay? We can have more fun"

I shake my head and put the remaining of my cigarette out in the ashtray "can't girl, grown man shit to do"

Estrella rolls her eyes and climbs out of bed, throwing her clothes back on "whatever, you're only 3 years older than me. Anyway, you're still missing out" she said stumbling some as she pulled her clothes on.

I nod and put my sweats on "probably, but I can always find out later" I wink and swing my hoodie over my shoulder "you kind of owe me anyway, I never told my brother about us"

Estrella groans and placed her hair up into a bun "Yeah and you never will, this is the last time, by the way, I actually want something real with your brother"

I chuckle and roll my eyes "good luck with that, and I'm sure this won't be the last time. But can you please hurry up?" I signal my hand towards the door and Estrella makes her way out of it. We exit my condo and walk out to my car. I hit my keys to unlock the door and Estrella hops in quickly after. I climb in and grab one of my prerolled blunts sitting in the ashtray, lighting it up as I start my car, and shut the door. As we start moving Estrella places her hand on my lap and smirks, looking out the window. I move my hand up her shoulder, to the back of her head and grip her hair tightly. Once we reached the stop sign at the end of my street, I stare into her hazel eyes for a moment contemplating my next action. I push my sweats down quickly and my large cock springs out soon after. It pulsing with veins sticking as it was already hard, waiting for her. as I turn my eyes and face them back to the road continuing to drive I could feel Estrella smirk at me and I twitched my head signaling her to get to it.

Estrella leans down and takes a mouth full of my cock down her throat. I groan out softly and continue driving, remembering to keep my eyes focus on the road. Estrella speeds up her pace and I grip her hair tighter, biting my lip the deeper she went. My hand loosens up once I get more comfortable inside her mouth while I drove. One hand on the wheel, the other stroking the back of her hair that was once in a bun, but not so much anymore. I lift my hips up slightly and groan out as precum flows out my cock inside the girl's mouth and I thrust my hips to fuck her face. I almost forget her street getting lost inside her mouth as I turn down the wrong one, finding other routes to her house my focus now going back and forth on how good the head is, driving safety and getting this girl home. I push her head down some as I feel myself getting closer and clear my throat. I could feel all the saliva dripping down my thighs as she continued. I'm so glad I wore boxers, I wouldn't be able to wear my sweats with a wet stain on the back of them, looking like I pissed myself but in reality got some bomb ass head. I pull in front of her house and bite down on my lip hard as I grip Estrella's hair and forced her head up and down as quickly as possible.

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