The After School Kickback - Jupiter

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Estrella and I got ready in my bedroom per usual. The air smelling like flower-filled body wash and vanilla lotion we covered our bodies with after showers. We both wore matching dresses, mine black and hers purple with thigh-high boots. We both stood in the mirror and admired our bodies. We both had beautiful bodies but Estrella had more of the curves. Her ass popped in everything she wore and never needed a bra. We both never wore one but I've always admired Estrella's figure. I, on the other hand, had a butt but a white girl ass. It was nice enough to get compliments but not as much as Estrella.
Estrella played with her long curly hair and contemplated on the hairstyle until she gave up.

"You ready? I'm gonna request the Uber now" she asked, staring into her phone and huffing.

I nodded adding a necklace and running my fingers through my long straight hair "Yes I'm ready, love"

We both grabbed a jacket and a purse and made our way downstairs quietly. We walked towards the front door this time my father is actually awake and sitting on the couch. We both stop and stare at him for a moment before he signals us to walk over. He stared us up and down for a moment and sighs.

"Where the fuck are you guys going?" He asked, his eyes stuck back on the tv with a beer in his hand.

"It's an after school first-day potluck, everyone is gonna be there. Even the teachers" I said, lying through my teeth.

My dad mumbled something under his breath then reached in his pocket "here's some cash just in case you need to buy anything" he pulled out a couple $20's and handed them out towards me. "Here's some for you, Estrella" he added handing her a couple $20's as well. My dad always knew when I was lying, but it seems like over the years he stopped caring.

We both smile at each other and put our money into our purses "thanks dad"

"Yeah, thanks" Estrella added. Her phone binged and we faced my dad.

"That's our Uber, we'll be home later dad," I said, he waved us off and we headed out the door to our Uber. My dad has always been a drunk since mom died, but he's been even more of a hard worker. We always had the nicest things, even when mom was still around. Whenever I've needed money, no matter how high, I always got it. When it came to affection and a relationship I haven't seen that side of my dad since my mom was alive. It's just something he's always lacked I guess? I know he doesn't mean it but, it sucks having only one parent around that doesn't even want to talk to you.

We both arrive shortly to Tony's house and step out the Uber. We make our way around back and see everyone already engaging in smoking and drinking. Jordan sat alone in the corner, facing his blunt and Melissa is nowhere in sight for once. Estrella and I both take a seat at the table around everyone and Jordan quickly joins us. I blush slightly, feeling his eyes pierced on me. I glance up at him and smile, not being able but to only blush being around him. Jordan smiles back and passes the blunt over to me, I hit it a couple of times before sliding it over to Estrella. She's fixed into her phone texting and hits the blunt a couple of times before passing it back to Jordan.

"Wow.. you always look amazing," Jordan says in a sweet tone, hitting his blunt as he spoke. While smoke poured from the sides of his lips.

"Thanks, Jordan" I smile wide, still looking around seeing if Melissa will pop up any second.

Jordan chuckles some and passes over the blunt to me "Melissa isn't here if that's what you're worried about?"

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