Family Dinner - Jupiter

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I had a meeting with the principal right after the fight and we both got suspended. Which is unfair, cause I didn't even start it. Melissa came up to me per usual and started her shit talking and I put an end to it. I was just on my way home and because of her, I got charged triple by my Uber for being late, I didn't even get to ride in it. My dad had to come to get me and take me home, we said nothing during the car ride, only that we'd talk at dinner. Whatever that means. I wasn't prepared to sit at another table with Easton, everything about him made me scared and worried. I don't know what it was, but behind that cool calm exterior, there was an evil and darkness inside him that nobody else knew of but him and me. I still never said anything, I probably won't. My virginity was with Easton now.. my stepbrother. I cringe at the word and sigh. I feel like there is nothing I can do and even if I do tell my dad he would be crushed...

I drag my fork along my peas and stare down at my plate, listening to the sound of everyone else enjoying their meal around me.

My dad clears his throat and releases a long belch "once again, my love. You have outdone yourself" my dad says, smiling at Nancy across the table.

Nancy looks at Easton for his input but he just nods, stuffing his face with more food. Nancy glances over at me and I ignore her eyes, staring down at my full plate of dinner.

I could feel my dad move in his seat and watch me "How did you think of it, Jupiter?" He asked, his voice deep.

I shrug my shoulders and throw my fork down against the table, giving them both a fake wide smile "It was fucking fantastic" I respond, my smile quickly turning stale. Nancy shoots a look over to my dad then back at me "What?" I say, looking back at them both.

My dad crumples up his napkin in his fist and stares at me "what's been into you lately? Why are you being a brat and why did you get suspended from school?" His voice is stern and short.

I pick up my fork and play with my peas again "it was a misunderstanding.." my tone low as I stare into my plate.

He clears his throat and looks over at Easton "Ever since that party you've been acting like this, is it because Easton and Nancy are here?" My dad asks turning his attention back on me.

I hang my head down and shake my head slowly in response, not saying a word as I force-feed myself a large fork full of mashed potatoes.

Easton scrapes his plate clean then places it to the side "Jupiter and I can clean the dishes" he says, smiling at my dad.

My dad looks at me and Easton, I chew the contents in my mouth slowly then swallow keeping my eyes on my plate, avoiding any input.

He nods and gets up from his seat, Nancy follows behind "Bed early tonight, Jupiter. You're grounded." My dad says, leading Nancy upstairs to their bedroom as they walk up the staircase.

Easton gets up and starts gathering all the dishes and bringing them to the kitchen. I grab my plate and walk over to the trash, scraping the remainder of my food into it then sitting my plate in the sink.
Easton turned the water on and started washing the dishes off and I opened the dishwasher, placing each plate in there that he handed me.

Easton stopped for a moment and turned the water off "I'm sorry, about what happened" he said, his voice low.

I chew on my lip and keep my eyes on my feet "Yeah.."

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