That Following Monday - Estrella

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I wake up feeling like complete garbage, was it from the drinking two nights straight or the baby that's continuously growing inside me? I sit up and groan, holding my head. I guess this is what everybody means by Monday's suck? I grab my phone and check the time, I have just enough time to get ready for school and walk there being on time. I hurry and pull some comfortable clothes on. Some Nike sweats and a hoodie, I throw my hair up into a bun and don't even grab my purse, just the books I needed.
I walk down the hallway and pass the bathroom, as I got closer to the kitchen I could smell bacon, it immediately made my stomach turn. I catch a glimpse of my mom in the kitchen but before we could even greet I ran as quickly as I could to the bathroom to release the vomit that built up in my stomach from the sickening smell. My books falling on the floor beside me.

I cradle the toilet as it continued to pour out of me, my mom hurries into the bathroom and kneels down with me "honey, are you okay? I've never seen you this sick before"

I build the courage to lift my head back up and nod at my mom "Yes, Jupiter gave me the flu... I'm still sick" I said, lying to my mom.

My mom pressed her hand to my forehead "well you are a little hot, you sure you want to go to school? I have someone I want you to meet anyway"

I sit up more and wipe my mouth "Who?" I grab my books off the floor and my mom helps me up as we both walk out to the kitchen. A muscular man with short dark hair stood by the stove and was cooking the bacon. I plugged my nose with my fingers and looked at my mom.

She walked over and ran her hand against his shoulder "This is Lance, my boyfriend. He's going to be around a lot more so I thought you two should meet."

I look at Lance and back at my mom, he looks way too young for her but he is handsome "I have to go to school" I responded, purposefully ignoring Lance once he looked at me.

I clutch my books back tighter and start to head towards the door "honey wait!" My mom says, following after me.

I turn and look at her "what?" my fingers still holding my nose together.

She tilts her head to the side and peers at my fingers sill plugging my nose "are you sure you're okay?"

I roll my eyes and nod "Yes, Kimberly I'm fine" we both stare at each other for a moment then I storm out the door, slamming it behind me.
I take in a breath of fresh air, almost nostalgic from being away from the smell of pork. I gagged slightly just from the thought of it then started to walk to the end of the driveway. The same time as usual Ruby comes driving down the street, his music blasting from his bright red Camero. I stare at him from my driveway and watch, waiting for him to stop but only this time... he didn't. Ruby kept driving past me as if he didn't even see me. I sighed and started my short walk to school, trying not to think of god awful smell of pork anymore or the fact Ruby just totally dissed me.

Once I made it to school I was out of breath, this never usually happened. Maybe cause I threw up everything I ate in a week this morning? I take a seat on the outside benches near the front entrance and watch everybody walk inside as I catch my breath. I spot Jupiter coming from out her Uber and walking to the doors, her face down and in deep thought as her hood stayed over her head. As she walked by she completely ignored me and walked inside the building, almost like I didn't exist. I slouch down in my seat, thinking if I really had gone invisible. I look down at my hands trying to think, maybe I am made of glass? My eyes tear up from my emotions and I immediately wipe them, trying not to cause a scene.

Jordan walks up to me and sits down, placing his bookbag in front of him "Everything okay today, Estrella?" He asked, watching me sulk.

I nod and sniffle, letting a couple of tears drop "everything is perfect, Jordan" I say in a sarcastic tone, wiping my face.

Jordan chuckles and raises his brow "well if it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure Jupiter and I are done. And she's probably fucking her stepbrother or whatever"

I look at Jordan in disbelief and snicker "what? Jupiter would never do that. It has to be something else..."

Jordan shook his head and grunted "no the night of the party Easton came over and grabbed her away, saying her dad needed them home early. She hasn't talked to me since that night. Or even looked at me, she doesn't say anything.."

I stare off some and think for a moment "well... something must really be bothering her. Maybe his mom is a bitch and Jupiter can't handle it. You know, her dad is a drunk? Maybe he's trying to control her now that another woman is around?"

Jordan shakes his head again and looks around "No, Estrella. It's something, she's not acting like herself"

I shrug and nod "well I haven't seen her since the party so I wouldn't know"

Jordan clears his throat and looks back at me "I just hope everything between us is okay, I really like her"

I nod and smile at how cute and big his crush has gotten. A moment later Easton walks up with a smile on his face and greets us.

"What's up, Easton," Jordan says, in a different tone than usual.

"Nothing just came to see what you guys were up to before I headed to class" Easton responded looking at us both.

Jordan sat forward some and raised his brow "do you know what's wrong with, Jupiter?"

Easton shrugs and scratches his head "I assume it's because her mothers birthday is coming up soon? I guess she's not taking it so well because Nancy- uh I mean my mom and I are in the house now"

I sit up straight and groan "aw man, I completely forgot about that. I'm sure my mom did too... our moms used to be best friends. Ever since pampers just like Jupiter and me"

Jordan chuckled and looked at me "is that why you're named Estrella and she's Jupiter?" He asked, his brow raising.

I nod and smile "Yeah, we were always destined to be best friends"

Easton sighs and smiles at us both "well I would love to chat more, but it seems I have to figure out my way to my first class- oh I mean the auditorium" he says as he reads out his schedule.

We both nod and Jordan daps him up saying our goodbyes. Jordan and I look at each other and smirk, almost thinking the same thing.

"He's kind of odd, right?" Jordan says, one of his eyes closed shut as the sunbeams in his face

I nod and giggle "Yeah, he's hot. But not much of a conversationalist." We both laugh together and stand up.

Jordan and I both walk inside the school and head towards the auditorium "so did you get everything figured out?" Jordan asked in a low voice.

I sigh and bite my lip, trying to avoid this conversation "Yeah, and I'm not pregnant. So you can stop talking about that now"

Jordan leaned back almost shocked "Wow I just knew you were going to have a little one" Jordan smiles and walks ahead of me "but congratulations on not being a mother, I'll check you later" Jordan walks off ahead of me and disappears into the crowd. I stand alone and let everyone bump and push their way around me as I stand there thinking about how I am actually am still a mother.

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