Back to the basics - Estrella

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The next morning I wake up in my own bed, my own house, my own room. I climb out my bed and start getting ready for the day, I brush my teeth, quickly shower and hair wash then outfit change. I slip on a pair of basic denim skinny jeans that clung to my curves, a picnic button-up top with a white tank top underneath and some converses. I grab my long hair and throw it up into a quick, cute messy bun. I admire my body in the mirror then grab my books and purse before heading out my bedroom door. I walk to the kitchen and grab a banana from off the kitchen counter. Before turning away I notice a note sitting on the counter next to the apples, I pick it up and read it quickly.

Gone for a business trip for the rest of the week, I'll be back Monday. Hope school is going well. See you soon
Xoxo - mom

I toss the paper back down and roll my eyes. Another business trip? My ass. My mom is always leaving me here alone in this house to go be with one of her boyfriends. I hate her. I wish she would act more like a parent and not my age. I grab my house keys and head out the front door walking towards the direction of the school. I enjoy the familiar street of white picket fences and freshly mowed grass always made me happy. I ramble on in my own thoughts before the familiar sound of a red Camero pulls up beside me, blasting loud hip hop music.

"Need a ride?" Ruby said once his window rolled down fully, a blunt in his hand and smirk on his face.

I nod and hop in the car that invited me full of weed smoke "hey handsome" I say, blushing at the beautiful man.

"Wassup, sexy. Sorry, I wasn't at the kickback last night. Had to be at the stu" he responds, driving down the street.

"It's fine, baby. I still had fun" I reach over and playfully grab the blunt from between his fingers and take a couple long drags.

Ruby smirks and glances over at me "I bet you did miss Estrella"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I shot back in a sarcastic tone then passing the blunt back over.

"Nothing, I just know you're a fun girl to party with," Ruby said, his eyes remaining on the road as he pulled into the parking lot of the school.

"Everybody knows I'm a great time" I grab my purse and sling it back over my shoulder "everyone but you.." I whisper, giggling some.

Ruby parks the car and changes gears "Oh trust me I know"

I bite my lip and turn in my seat to face him "so everyone is saying you're gonna get big after high school"

Ruby nods at my comment and hits his blunt "Yeah, probably. Just hit a million views on YouTube"

I smirk and grab the blunt from his fingers "so did your mom really name you Ruby or is that a name you made up?" I raise my brow, hitting the blunt.

"It's really my name" Ruby chuckles and bites his lip, watching me. "You're so hot, I never had a girl make me cum just from the head"

I roll my eyes and pass the blunt back over "I hear that a lot"

Ruby nods in agreement before hitting his blunt "I believe it. You're like the master of seduction" he chuckles to himself.

I bite my lip and helplessly look down at his crotch for a moment before he could notice "Oh please, you could fuck any girl in the school if you wanted"

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