Friday Morning - Jupiter

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After a long week of drama, fights and secret hookups, I'm excited for the weekend to finally begin. There's going to be so many parties tomorrow my body probably won't be able to contain it. A couple of days ago, Jordan and I got really close. I think soon we might make it official. Aside from my awkward kiss with Ruby, I think everything is going to be okay with the group as long as I say nothing. And by the group I mean; Estrella, Jordan, Troy, Derek, Ruby & myself. I would count Melissa, but she was only really apart because of Jordan.

I haven't seen much of Estrella at school lately since the party, I guess she's been sick? I don't know, I think she's just been fucking Ruby and his brother. She hasn't always had the greatest attendance going to school, I guess she's too focused on herself? But we have been texting on and off, she seemed fine but we haven't sat and bantered like usual.

I grab my purse and apply a small layer of red lipstick to my lips in the mirror before turning to my door, and making my way downstairs to the kitchen. My dad is in the kitchen cooking, it smells like eggs and almost burnt pancakes.

My dad notices me heading for the kitchen door and turns to smile, holding the pan of eggs in his hand "Jupiter! Eat breakfast with me real quick honey"

I turn and smile back at my dad, taking short steps towards the kitchen "it smells great dad.." I said, not really wanting to have a chat.

He nods and scrapes the eggs into a large plate "please, join me" he said, holding his hand out showing off his food. My dad wasn't always the best cook, mom was. At least he's trying.

I peer over at the door for a moment then back at my dad before I take a seat at the counter "I suppose so, I won't be too late"

He nods and adds a scoop of eggs and two pancakes to my plate with syrup on the side, just how I like it "there you go princess"

My dad joins me making his own plate "you're in a good mood today, dad" I say to him with a smile.

"I just woke up and wanted to spend time with my daughter" my dad responded with a smile, taking a fork full of eggs into his mouth.

I nod and take a couple of bites of my food, sitting quietly to myself. Dad is being really weird? I haven't felt this type of affection since I was in elementary school.

We both munch quietly until my dad clears his throat and puts his fork down "I'm in love, Jupy"

I blink, not hearing my nickname in so long taking me aback "what..?" I ask, confused.

"I fell in love again and I want you to meet her" he responds, looking over at me.

I raise my brow and pretend not to care, staring down at my plate as I take a couple of fork fulls of the eggs "okay."

My dad sighs softly and turns to me "she's moving in soon, her lease is up on her apartment and I only thought it was right"

My mouth hangs open in complete shock before I could swallow my food, I turn to my dad "Why are you telling me this now?! I haven't even met the women"

My dad scoffed and raised his brow at me "That's rude, Jupiter. You should be happy I am happy. I'm your father, I've been sad too! But it's been too long, we got to move on now.."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms, my brows furrowed and our eyes in complete lock "you can move on, but I'm not. That woman will never replace my mother, your wife!"

My dad shakes his head and looks away "she's not replacing her, she's filling the hole that's been left inside me" he looks down "Can you please be home a little early from school so we can talk? I could use some help cleaning too.." he adds, his voice sounding sad.

I blink and stand up out my seat "I have to go, dad, I'll see you later" I storm out the room and slam the kitchen door behind me. How could he? Be with another woman, nobody is more beautiful or amazing than my mom! I grab my phone from out my purse in a rush and angry requesting my Uber, watching the screen as it turns to 2 minutes away. I wipe my eyes and sigh softly. Pulling out my phone to fix my face with the reflection on the screen. Soon after the Uber arrived, I hopped in, sitting quietly to my destination.

Once I made it to the school I climbed out of the car and made my way inside. Today the halls were a little more quiet than usual, maybe I was really late and missed morning announcements? I grab my phone and see I was just on time for announcements but too late to make it to the auditorium. I sigh and put my phone away, flicking my hair away from my face as Troy stood in front of me with a wide smile.

"Hello, beautiful. Aw.. you look sad today" he said as he rubbed my shoulder.

I shook my head and forced a smile "no I'm okay, Troy"

Troy nodded and lifted one brow, pointing to the exit "wanna do some nose candy?" He asked in a lower tone.

I look around and see no one in the hall and nod, following him out the doors and to his car into the student parking lot. Troy was a rich boy so he had several different cars, today was the Audi. We both climb in and he turns to me, tapping some of the white dust onto the back of his hand and snorting a long line for himself. He then does it again and holds his hand out for me. I stick my nose up to his hand and snort up the powder, instantly sitting back and my eye twitching from the tart taste that dripped into my mouth.

We both smiled at each other and Troy bit his lip "Cocaine Queen.."

I giggle and shake my head "I only do it with you Troy"

Troy raised his brow at me "well don't say it like that, you almost made me excited" he said with sarcasm in his tone.

We both sat and talked for a while until we realized class had already started. We hurried back inside the building and moved with a quickness to our first-period classes. I get to my class and sit down, lightly lectured from the teacher about how critical my grade could go down if I continued to be late. I simply agreed and promised to do better. The class continued on and school remained the same; boring and exciting at the same damn time. I guess the best part of school is that I get to see Jordan. it's even better we share the second-period together, he always made my days much better.

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