Second period - Jupiter

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The bell rang and everyone from economics got up quickly heading to their next class or the cafeteria. I tuck a piece of my platinum blonde hair behind my ear and gather my books before heading off to my next class. I walk down the hallway quietly and keep my head down, avoiding eye contact with everyone. I hated the attention I got, I only felt my confidence around Estrella. Maybe because of the confidence that beams from off her pretty brown skin. I walk passed a group of girls talking at their locker and notice one of them being Melissa. She steps away from her conversation to stare at me but I avoid the eye contact. A second later Melissa grabs my shoulder and I turn around to look at her. Her eyes look like they're full of grief and sadness, I stand back some and swallow.

"Huh?" I say instantly after realizing Melissa wanted my attention.

"Can we talk, please? It'll be quick.." Melissa says in a soft voice.

I nod and we both walk to the outside and sit at one of the benches together near the side entrance.

"What's up?" I ask as I put my bag down next to me and turn to Melissa.

Melissa huffs and pushes her hair back. "I'm just gonna make this simple and come out and say it, I want you to stay away from Jordan"

I furrow my brows and shake my head confused "Jordan?" I repeat.

"Yes! Jordan.. ever since last night he's been acting weird towards me. He hasn't talked to me all day. I know something happened between you two last night, but he won't tell me! So I want you to stay away, please."

I lean back some taking in everything she said before responding. "Nothing happened between Jordan and me, we just.. talked"

Melissa rolled her eyes at me "talked? You really expect me to believe that, Jupiter? Just tell me what you guys did!" Her voice got louder and her eyes widened some

I hold my hands out in front of me and shake my head "Jordan and I never did anything, Melissa. We talked about you the whole time... he's worried you aren't in love with him as much as he's in love with you" I lied, talking quietly as possible Incase anyone passing could hear our conversation.

Melissa's shoulders noticeably relax "really? That's what he said.." Melissa looked down and shook her head "I feel so stupid, Jupiter"

I shook my head to reassure her she wasn't feeling stupid. "Don't, it's okay. Just relax I'm not ready to date yet" I said. Soon after the bell rang and I could see everyone hurrying off to their classes.

Melissa's eyes started to water and she covered her face "I'm sorry for yelling at you, I just love Jordan so much and I can't live without him" Melissa's tears started pouring from her eyes and she sniffled.

I stood up and rubbed her back gently speaking with a soft tone "it's okay, Jordan loves you too. But I really need to get to class, Melissa. I'm sorry you're having a bad day" she nodded in response and I smiled at her, grabbing my bag and walking to my next class.

The time I took spending talking to Melissa I could've been walking to class and be on time. I walk to my second-period class and take the first open seat there was. The teacher notices but only gives me a look before continuing on with his class. I take out my books and place them on the desk, copying the notes on the board into my books. I take a moment to look around and see Jordan sitting behind me. What is he doing in here? This is English Elites, I wouldn't take Jordan as a schoolboy. He smiles at me and gives a cheeky wave, I grin back before turning in my seat and facing the board. A moment later Jordan taps my shoulder with his pen and I turn to look at him. He smiles at me and leans forward.

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