Just Remember Me (Part 1)

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And I’d give up forever to touch you

'Cause I know that you feel me somehow

You’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be

And I don’t want to go home right now


The white haired boy hid his features under his hood. His crystal blue eyes watched his feet, purposely avoiding the eyes of passerby’s as he walked down the street. His gate was slow, his shoulder slumped a bit, and trying to make himself was inconspicuous as possible. He wasn’t even supposed to be out right now. People like him were supposed to stay inside the academy during daylight hours until they were trained enough to be trusted around normal people.

He was born like this. His skin was pale and cold to the touch bringing ice to anything he brushed against. He had learned to keep it from escaping him. It took years to figure out how to trick his body into saving its energy until needed. He still hasn’t been able to control it when it came to strong emotions though. Elsa was new to it all, still freezing things she touched. Still having to wear the protective gloves North gave her.

North was the head of the small community. He called us mutants, in the nicest term possible. It meant that our genes, DNA, cells, whatever it was, mutated and allowed us to harness abilities far from what humans were ready to accept. He was just a kid when he had his first incident. That’s how North found him. How many other third graders cold jump into an ice covered pond and save a classmate without batting an eye? Not even a shiver.

More came along and more rules were set in place. They were well kept secrets from the world, the government aided North in order to keep the humans safe from them. Jack scoffed at the thought. He thought he was human, just a different kind.

Jack raised his eyes up once heard a familiar laugh just ahead of him. A small smile came to his face as blue met spring green.  The blonde sat at her usual table outside a small café, her book open and a hot tea in her hand. He met her on an afternoon just like this almost a year ago now. She was studying for her classes and her paper blew away right into his chest. Ever since then she had been the light in his darkness.

“Jack!”’ she said happily as he opened the small black fence and entered the patio area of the café. He sat down in the chair in front of her, placing his hands in his sweat shirt pocket. “I didn’t think you’d make it.”

He smirked at her, “Did you miss me, princess?”

She smirked back, picking her book and sipped her tea, “No, I just wouldn’t have anyone to distract me from my homework.”

“Oh, I see.” He said, “Just using me as a handsome distraction.”

She raised an eyebrow at him and giggled, “I think you added adjectives mister.”

“Nope could’ve sworn that’s what you said.”

Jack smiled at her and she grinned back. She was his best friend. She knew everything about him. Even about his abilities. She wasn’t supposed to know but one day he walked her home late at night and was venting to her when he couldn’t control it. She was shocked of course, but she found it to be fascinating. All his life he was told that people would hate him for it, be scared of him. But she was never scared of him. She met him every other day, text him good morning and they would take long strolls at night on the Burgess University campus talking about life.

He knew that he was in love with her but he kept that part to himself.

“You know you can take off your hood.” She said, giving him a look. He stiffened, looked around at the other people walking by and sitting at the small café tables.

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