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"Hey you!" the guy in black exclaimed switching the gun from pointing to the terrified guy's head to my direction.

Oh shit how did we get here?

I was just coming home from work when I overheard a guy threatening someone and me, being the clumsy trash I am, fell causing the guy to notice me.

"Look, how about we sit down and talk this through you know?"

"Shut up!"

"Wow okay no need to be so rude" I muttered putting my hands over my head.

"How much did you hear?" he questioned sternly. My eyes widened and I felt the panic rise in me. And when I panic I-

"Nothing I'm deaf"

"Don't play dumb with me!" he growled shoving the gun in my direction causing me to flinch.

"You sure can't take a joke" I laughed nervously.

"What. Did. You. Hear" He was obviously trying to keep his calm. His finger was shaking ready to pull the trigger.

"I don't know what I heard but I sure know what I see and what I see is your friend here trying to escape"

"What!?" He exclaimed turning his head to find no one there. I used this opportunity and took off running for my life. Literally.

There was no way he was going to find that guy so I shouldn't feel guilty right? If anything I saved his life, I mean if it wasn't for my perfect distracting skills he would probably be dead by now.

I ran all the way home feeling anxious and my heart beating faster and faster the closer I got to my house. I kept making up scenarios of how he could find me and looking over my shoulder to see if anyone was following me. Fortunately I arrived home safe and sound. Well almost.

My legs felt like jelly, my whole body hurt from running and I couldn't catch my breath even after ten minutes. I felt light headed. Someone needs some exercise in her life.

And that was nothing.

The next day I had to move from my home to an I apartment I would be sharing with a roommate. See I had gotten accepted into my dream university and my uncle's house wasn't really near so I had to move out. Of course I couldn't rent my own apartment cause my job wasn't enough for that.

So the next day I packed all my things into two big suitcases and just like that I was ready to go.

"Look at that, my little girl is leaving the house" My uncle said smiling.

"You've done enough for me already uncle Rob, I'll always be thankful"

"I just did what every uncle would do" he patted my shoulder. God, I'll miss him. "Go now or youll miss the bus"

"Bye uncle Rob!" I yelled walking away.

"And call me when you're there!"


By the time I had arrived I was a hot mess. My hair probably looked like a bird's nest and I was dripping sweat. Not to mention that the apartment was on the fourth floor and I had to walk up the stairs because the elevator was out of order, and let me tell you all that while caring two big suitcases took a lot out of me.

I was finally in front of the apparent's door so I quickly caught my breath and knocked.

"You must be Aria" The deep voice took me by surprise making me immediately look up.

Oh God, my eyes have been blessed.

This guy looked like a dark angel. He was tall. Really tall. Like a good over six feet tall. And he obviously worked out since his body took up all the space and I couldn't see anything inside the apartment. His midnight black hair looked perfectly disheveled and kind of wet. Oh my God did he just have a shower?  I could see some drops of water on his spotless tan skin. His eyes mesmerized me though. It was mainly a dark royal blue with specs of a lighter shade.

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