Rock Paper Scissors

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Warning: violence

I woke up feeling like everything was spinning. My senses came back together overwhelming me. I wasn't ready to feel all that.

I felt the pain around my neck, I was sure there were bruises. I felt the pain and the itchiness on the back of my head.

I could smell the repulsive scent around the room. I wanted to cut off my nose.

Maybe I'll ask Colton to do it I'm sure he would do it in a flash happily.

And I felt the cold metal chair I was sitting on and the metal things attached to the chair that held me in place.

I couldn't move and that made me panic, but I had to stay calm or else I couldn't think right.

But the thought that there was no escape tortured me and I couldn't really think straight since I felt all this pain from my wounds plus the terrible back pains from the uncomfortable hard chair.

I couldn't really see well yet, my vision was still blurry, but I could make out a figure kneeling in front of me.

"Wakey wakey" his voice echoed in the empty room.

Can he shut up?

"How do you feel sissy?"

Just peachy.

I wasn't going to speak to him. Not at all. I didn't care about how mad he would get, what he would do to me, what I would go through. I would not speak to him.

The only thing I wanted to ask him was where Sarah was, but I knew if I did he would play mind games with me driving me mad and I wasn't up for that. I knew Caleb wouldn't let anything bad happen to her after all.

I could just pray Uncle Rob was safe on the road.

"Cat got your tongue?" He chuckled
"Come on, speak to me" he sang sickeningly sweet. "Speak bitch" His voice suddenly dropped several tones lower. "Fine. Since you're not going to speak maybe I should cut your tongue" I saw him stand up and get scissors from the self full of pointy shiny things.

"Colton, come here we got work" I recognized this voice as Caleb's. Maybe it was accidentally but he had saved me and my tongue.

"Next time I come here you better be speaking" He pouted at me with the scissors and threw me a glare.

He unlocked the prison-like bar door and went out before locking it again and walking away.

For the next hours or so, I sat there on that chair feeling completely drained out. I felt like it was over. Like I shouldn't fight anymore, but I wouldn't go down without a fight. I would fight till death, I knew I wasn't going to make it out alive anyway.

This was worse than prison. This was hell.

Maybe he did kill me before and now I'm in hell.

I'm offended I didn't go to heaven.

I kept slipping in and out of consciousness, sometimes seeing happy dreams and others, terrifying nightmares.

I enjoyed the piece without him here because I knew when he comes back he was going to play with my mind.

I heard footsteps and panicked thinking it was him. I looked up weakly and saw Caleb looking at me with pity in his eyes.

I hated when they looked at me with pity, I wasn't weak I was a fighter.

"If you're just going to stand there and pity me then just get your sorry butt and leave" I hissed as loud as I could so he could hear it. He widened his eyes as he looked lost for words.

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