You Spilled My Tea!

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"Uncle Rob I'm fine don't worry" I said for the fifth time in twenty minutes.

"im just not used to not having my favorite niece around" he sighed

"I'm fine okay? And you can come visit whenever you want, maybe I'll visit one of these days too now I have to go"

"fine fine I'll call you later" he said and hang up.

"So where were we?" Sarah gave me a smirk "He's really really tall, handsome-"

"And ten years older" I sighed

"That sounds like the daddy you've been looking for since you were sixteen-"

"Shut up!" I hit her with a magazine.

We were currently at Sarah's apartment and she kept bugging me to tell her about Alexander.

"My best friend will finally get a boyfriend I'm so happy" she said dramatically wiping a fake tear.

"No, he's not my boyfriend and we'll never be a thing. He can have any girl he wants there is no way he'll choose me"

"Girl you blind and oblivious" she shook her head.

"Besides sooner or later I'm going to have to move in another apartment on my own"

"I don't think he'll cut ties with you that easily sweetie" she flipped her long blonde hair smirking.

"Sarah I admit it, he's the most beautiful and the hottest man I've seen and yes I do like him and I am attracted to him. I mean who wouldn't be? But it will never happen and I should get over it before it's too late"

"Do you really think he's just playing with you? Or that he treats every girl like that?"

"He's really sweet and kind but I shouldn't take this seriously because I'll only end up disappointed and hurt"

"We'll see about that sweetie"

"hey where were you?" I heard Alexander as soon as I stepped into the apartment.

"I was at my friend's house"

"what friend"

"Sarah my best friend" I answered frowning. What's gotten into him. "Why did you need anything?"

"No, I was just curious" I nodded and walked into my room. "I won't be home tonight"

"Okay? So?"

"Don't leave the house" he almost commanded.

"Excuse me? I'm eighteen I can do whatever I want mister"

"No you can't go out after ten"

"And why's that?"

"Because I say so" he smiled innocently. How could he just smile like that when he's commanding me to stay in and just do nothing. Well not that I was planning on going out clubbing or something, but it still bothered me that he would demand I stay in when he would be out doing God knows what.

Now that I think of it maybe he was right, it's really dangerous outside.

"If I want to go out, I'll go out"

"I'll tie you to the bed if I have to" he challenged.

"Kinky, I like it" I muttered.

"You're unbelievable" He sighed. Is he kidding me right now? He's acting like he's-

"You're not my daddy get over it" I paused. "Unless you want to be" I muttered under my breath. Okay now Sarah's stupid words are getting to me.

"Well then, daddy says no going out tonight"

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