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"So Sarah mind telling me what you were doing with Jason the other day?" I asked with a smirk making her choke on her coffee.

"Me? With Jason? When?"

She thinks she's going to fool me like that.

"Your brother told me. Come on tell me" I pouted.

"Fine" She groaned. I instantly smiled sweetly crossed my legs and sipped on my freddoccino.

"I'm all ears" I said excitedly.

"I-It's nothing, I was just going home and I bumped on him and spilled my coffee on my shirt so he offered to go out and buy me another coffee" She finished with a red tint on her cheeks. "I kept saying it was okay but he insisted" She murmured.

I kept staring at her emotionless as she was staring at the floor playing with her fingers.

"You like him!" I startled her.

"No!" She insisted

"You like him, even a little" I smiled and winked at her.

"He is charming-"

"I knew it, I knew it!" I clapped full of excitement and bounced on my seat.

"He is charming but it will never happen" She glared at me and then took a sip of her coffee.

"Yeah okay, we'll see about that"

Suddenly I got a notification on my phone and picked it up to see what it was. It was actually a text from an unknown number.

I missed you.

It wasn't Alexander since I knew for a fact he didn't have a new number and I had his number saved. I frowned and typed a reply.

Wrong number. I typed and put it back brushing it off, but I heard another ring as soon as I put it down.

Oh I know very well whose number this is, Aria sweetie.

My heart skipped a beat as I began to panic. What if it was my brother? I wouldn't be able to take it.

"Aria what is it?" Sarah asked concerned.

"I-" before I could answer I heard another ring.

Tell anyone about this and you might not see someone really important to you again.

I instantly gulped and felt my life crumble.

Why? Why now that I was fixing everything?

"Nothing it's just Alexander, he'll come home really late so I won't be able to see him at all" I managed to give her a weak smile.

"You two are so cute I swear" She giggled and took a sip of her coffee.

The moment she dropped me off at home I took my phone out and called Uncle Rob.

"Well hello there, long time no see cupcake" His cheerful tone didn't manage to cheer me up this time.

"Hi Uncle Rob, how are you?" I asked trying to come off as normal and not ready to have a panic attack. "Nothing suspicious right?"

"No Aria, I would tell you if there was anything" He said getting serious. "Anything wrong?"

"No, everything's okay" I assured him.


"Good to know you're living the life you've always wanted to live Aria. My little girl is all grown up now" He sighed.

"Don't worry Uncle Rob I'll always be your little girl" I smiled sadly.

After we talked about a few more things as I tried not to panic anymore we ended the call.

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