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The next days I got some texts from him again saying he would come for me and threatening me so Alex convinced me to quit my job. He said he didn't need help paying for groceries and that he didn't want me to pay him the rent.

I would also call uncle Rob every day. He always said he was fine. He was actually on a road trip, he said he had some leads for my father. Uncle Rob loved road trips and he was safer on the road because Colton, my brother, couldn't find him.

He couldn't hurt Sarah of course because Caleb kept her safe all day and he wouldn't let him kill her even if he wanted to. It make me shiver though that Caleb knew where Colton was and couldn't tell us.

So that only left Alexander.

I was praying he hadn't found out about him, but if he was really watching me he would know. Maybe he knew and didn't tell me. Maybe it was his secret weapon.

But Alex would be okay, right?

I heard the jingling of his keys as he unlocked the door and let out a sigh of relief in the darkness. The only thing that lit up the house was the TV and the moonlight.

Another day that he got home okay. Another day that passed without any attack from Colton.

He opened the door and I quickly got up to hug him.

"I see my little angel waited for me again" He smiled softly and kissed my forehead before closing the door and turning to me again to wrap his hands around my waist. "You should sleep more princess. Your brain can't function and you'll fall behind on your classes"

I still kept going to college, but Alex would drive me there and wait until I was inside and he would be here to pick me up by the time I was finished. He wanted to be sure nothing would happen to me.

"But I want to be sure you come home safe" I looked up at him.

"You don't know how emotional and happy it makes me that you care about me that much" He whispered staring at me.

"Of course I care about you that much silly" I giggle and patted his chest. I got on my tip toes and wrapped my arms around his neck giving him a happy grin. He just kept staring at my face like he was studying every part of it, but it didn't make me uncomfortable.

"I-" he stopped himself and just took a deep breath making me wonder what he wanted to say. I gave him a questioning look titling my head to the side and frowning. "God, you're making it harder with your cuteness" He whispered shutting his eyes.


"Nothing. Let's get you to bed princess okay?" He asked going back to normal again. He took my hand and started walking towards my room.

"Alex?" I called out. He stopped turning to face me and hummed. "Can I sleep with you? In your bed I mean" I said shyly shifting from one foot to another and playing with the ends of my hair.

"Of course baby" He said giving me a grin and going towards his room.

As soon as our backs hit the mattress he wrapped his warm arms around me making me feel as safe as ever and cuddled me.

That was my happy place.


"Sarah I'm scared" I told her through my new phone. Alexander wanted to get me a new one and keep the old one so he can keep track of my brother. "And I miss you"

"I miss you too, but we both can't go out right now. Caleb is trying to convince your brother to move on and leave this town"

I didn't understand why Caleb couldn't just tell us. He knew his best friend was a monster.

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