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"Ari?!" I heard a voice that I knew all too well.

"Sarah! What are you doing here?" I whisper-yelled in surspise.

"What do you think idiot?!" She replied the same way. "Caleb went nuts, he literally kidnapped me and then said sorry"

"What!?" I yelled loudly this time getting the attention of the driver.

"Keep quiet!" He was heard in the dark.

"He said he had a plan I don't know" She whispered. "Ari I don't know if it's for the best or worst"

"We'll figure it out Sarah. What matters is that we're together and we're the unbeatable team remember?"

"I don't know about this time Aria"

Truth was I didn't know either but I had to believe. I had to be sure and confident or else there was no hope. Hope is stronger than fear and I needed it right now. I need to hope our current situation wasn't our final destination.

She had to have hope too.

"Ouch!" She groaned. "Why the fuck did you slap me!?" She screeched holding her cheek.

"It wasn't me it was reality" I was sure she was glaring even though I couldn't see her. "You have to have hope or else we'll never get out of here"

"We won't anywa-Ouch!"

"Where is the positive Sarah I know?" I said trying to encourage her. "We've been through hell and back. Together. Now it's time to do it again. You won't let them ruin your life. We'll get out of here, get our lives back together, graduate college, get a real job, get married, have kids and become successful like we dreamed when we were eight years old" I reminded her sternly.

"Your eight year old self had dreams Sarah. Will you let her down without a fight?"

I waited and waited but she stayed silent. I had lost all hope for her, but I would fight for both of us.


"I won't!" She finally replied making me grin and hug her.

But I couldn't see well and I ended up hugging the floor. She laughed holding her stomach while I glared at her.

"Woah you can make me laugh even when we're being kidnapped by our psycho brothers"

"We'll get out of here Sarah, they might be strong but they're stupid" I scoffed.

"And what are we?"

Girl, seriously?

"Right now we need to be smart so shut up"

"Whatever you say captain"


"Ay! I need to pee!" I yelled at the top of my lungs kicking the divider between the driver and us.

"Shut up bitch! I said we'll stop in a minute!" He growled.

Did he just curse at me?

"You've been saying that for about an hour now you son of a monkey!"

Sorry but you deserve it.

"Wow Ari, that was-creative" Sarah laughed.

Suddenly the van stopped.

Fudge, he'll kill me now.

The door opened to reveal the outside world blinding us after not having seen light jn hours.

"Come outside now" The big guy ordered me.

Wow why so grumpy?

I walked to the door and slid down almost falling.

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