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"Sarah I don't have time for this-"

"No" She simply said pulling me by my hand. "Ari, you need a break and new clothes yours are so old they're decomposing"

"I don't have money-"

"I know you've been working extra and you need to treat yourself" She insisted and pulled me into a shop.

A lingerie shop.

"God! Look at that hot pink one! I bet that would look bomb on you" She giggled and then ran off to go check out other colors.

I shook my head. This girl is so hyped all the time.

But I love her for it.

"Aria! You should try this one!" she said excitedly holding up a lacey dark blue bra.

"Sarah there's no need for the whole shop to hear us" I whisper-yelled blushing.

"Whatever, I'll go try the hot pink one" She scoffed holding back a giggle.

She was out in two minutes rocking the hot pink bra. She twirled around looking in the mirror.

"Well I'm not as blessed as you in that area but I have to say I look fine" She grinned. "Aria go try something too!" she whined and went back into the fitting room.

I thought I should go check some out too since we're here.

I went home holding four shopping bags.

And I held myself back a lot today.

"I'm never going shopping with you again" I told Sarah.

"We needed this" Sarah said. She was holding 7 bags.

"I also need money you know?"

"Yeah okay, I'll be off now. Love you!" She blew me a kiss and got into her taxi.

When I got into the apartment the first thing I saw was Alexander sitting on the couch cross-legged holding a newspaper.

Wearing glasses. It was hot. He can be my dadd-

"Well, well, well" He muttered as he raised an eyebrow smirking at my shopping bags. "I see you've got some new clothes there. Would you model them for me?" He winked.

I'm dead.

"I-I" I stuttered the bags slipping from my hands. "I'm tired so no" I said boldly.

"That's a shame I know there's new lingerie in there I bet they're lace too, I know you love it" He smirked and put down his newspaper putting his hands behind his neck.

I can see his muscles flex.

I'm dead pt2.

"Not today Satan! " I yelled and run off into my room before quickly shutting the door.

"I believe you forgot these" I saw Alexander leaning on my wall holding up the bags. "Let's see" He muttered smirking and shoved his hand into a bag.

The lingerie back.

"No don't!"

But it was too late. He had pulled out the lacey panties.

"Wow I love the dark blue one and I see there is a fitting bra here" he smirked. My face had turned into a strawberry by now I just wanted to disappear into thin air. "Aria, that's a big cup size I see-"

Before he could say anything else I snatched everything away from him.

"Enough. Leave" I said feeling my cheeks as heated as ever.

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