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He raised an eyebrow in surprise and looked in the direction of the sound. The scissors were safely away from my precious tongue now and the sound had all his attention.

I heard quick footsteps and after a few seconds Caleb appeared panting and looking very upset and alarmed.

"We're under attack" He said and Colton stood up quickly walking towards the door.

"You don't move and don't make a sound or it will be your last one" He growled at me and left locking the door. I saw Caleb winking at me before walking behind me.

Why would he wink at me at a time like this?

I didn't know if the attack was to my advantage or not. Whoever it was could kill me or worse take me as their prisoner.

All I could hear was chaos. Gunshots, screaming, things breaking and loud footsteps. It sounded as if a hundred people were walking up there.

I stayed where I was flinching everytime I heard a really loud noise or everytime I heard someone screaming in pain. It hurt just to hear it. It reminded me of the screams I never let out when he was beating me.

After a few minutes I heard footsteps and closed my eyes fearing that it was someone who could hurt me.

I heard a gasp instead.

"Ari? How could that bastard hurt you so much!?" I smiled at hearing her voice.

I'm sorry you had to see me like this Sarah.

"Don't worry you're safe now" She informed me and took out some keys trying them one by one.

"Sarah what are you doing?" I spoke after a long time feeling my throat dry.

"I'm setting us free" She simply said.

"Sarah no, you need to go, take the chance now and leave, leave me here. Go before he comes back" I told her desperately.

"We're safe Ari, trust me" She gave me a smile as she finally opened the door. "Bingo"


"Get out before I make you"

But there was one problem. I looked at my scarred legs full of brusies and scars. I think i had some broken bones too.

"Come on" She understood and helped me stand up and walk.

We walked down the hallway and then up the stairs. There were so many that I thought I would collapse, but Sarah did her best to support me and not let me fall.

Up there I could hear everything even louder than before, but there was no one where we were.

"We'll get out the back door okay?" she whispered.

"And then what?"

"Just trust me on this"

She helped me walk but it wasn't long before we got noticed.

We were in a room trying to get to the back door when someone was pushed in the room.

"How could you, you fucking lunatic!?" Someone screamed in anger and pain. I drew my eyes towards the voice and gasped at the sight.

Alexander covered in blood. Not his own. He himself had some wounds but he had blood all over him. His knuckles were bleeding and right now he had his hands wrapped around my brother's neck. He looked so angry that I could see the veins in his neck and arms.

He turned around at my gasping and his eyes widened. His hands loosened around my brother's neck and he took the chance and kicked him in the stomach.

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