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I opened the door for Jason and quickly closed it and locked it. I walked to my bed and fell on it sighing.

"How have you been?" He asked sitting next to me. "How are your wounds?"

"I'm better now" Physically maybe, but emotionally I was missing Alex like crazy and I was so frustrated and confused.

"Your mouth says that but yours eyes say otherwise" He smiled sadly.

"I'm just frustrated about what Colton told me" I sat up looking at the floor.

"Look Ari, it's not my place to tell you about Alexander's plans, if you let him he will explain, but as his friend I ought to tell you things that you have to know but he will never tell you"

More secrets, that's great.

I saw him smile proudly and got confused. What would he tell me?

"Before you, he hadn't laughed or smiled since he was 12" He said making me frown. He looked really cheerful, he smiled and laughed all the time. "Now everytime I see him with you he's smiling and even laughs or chuckles sometimes"

"Why didn't he laugh before? He looked really cheerful when I first met him and after that" I questioned. He can't be talking about the same Alex.

"Because he was miserable, he was unhappy and sad. He acted all tough and cold but inside he was crying for help. He was so used to doing all those illegal things that when he met you it dawned on him how messed up it was. He was devastated, he came to my house drunk almost crying and said he didn't want this life anymore"

Hearing his words made my heart break, I couldn't believe he acted all fine with me when inside he was falling apart.

"He said he would end his life" I gasped at his words but then saw him smile. "But you know what he said after? He said he had a little angel to protect and he would rather die protecting her"

"Did he really say that?" I titled my head asking.

"Yes, exactly like that" He chuckled and shuffled my hair. "You know when you were kidnapped he was broken, he looked lifeless" His face fell. "He didn't eat, he didn't sleep, he didn't drink water, he said it was a waste of time when he could be looking for you. I had to convince him to eat and drink water by saying he wouldn't have enough energy to fight when we found you"

I couldn't believe I thought he wouldn't even look for me back then.

"He cried silently in the car while looking at you when you and Sarah fell asleep. Another thing he hadn't done since he was a little boy"

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"To make you see that he really does care about you. He's been through so so much than I think he deserves a little happiness. Yes, he's done all kinds of cruel things but he's suffered a lot. You're the only happiness he sees. He would never confess these things, that's why I told you"

"I was stupid, I didn't even let him explain" I shook my head feeling my eyes well up.

"I know it's selfish but, I don't want to lose my best friend Ari" His breath hitched and for the first time I saw him sad, I saw his eyes became glassy. "Please give him a second chance"

"Of course I will don't worry" I said softly and hugged him. "Thank you for telling me all this. You're the best friend Alex could ever had" I whispered. We broke the hug and he smiled at me.

"Thank you Aria"

"And by the way, can you tell me your real name? because I'm kind of confused here" I grinned.

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