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I woke up in the middle of the night feeling the unbearable need to go to the toilet. However when I tried to move I felt trapped in someone's arms.

Alex has been extremely touchy and needy since he confessed everything. He's like a cuddly lovesick puppy now.

Not that I don't like it. I absolutely love it.

But sometimes it gets out of hand. Like right now.

"Alex" I whispered hoping he'll let me go. He simply hummed nuzzling in my neck. "Alex" I called louder. I felt his lips on my neck which made me shiver.

But I also need to pee right now.

I wiggled around harshly which he didn't like. He whined and pressed me closer against him.

This boy needs to let me go or else

"Alex I need to pee!" I groaned louder than I realized. He let out a deep chuckle.

Wow sleeping beauty woke up.

"I should make you wear diapers"


"We'll talk about your awesome ideas later now let me go pee" I whined wiggling around.

"You're such a baby" He chuckled finally setting me free and I quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom.

Once I was done I walked back into his room and got into my previous position as he immediately wrapped his arms around me and brought us closer.

"Missed me?" I grinned saying.

"Don't make fun of me" He whined.

"And you say I'm the baby" I giggled turning around to face him.

"You are my little baby" He smiled and kissed my nose. "My sweet love" He whispered and leaned his forehead on mine. "I love you" His hands slid down caressing my curves as he kept kissing my jaw.

"Quit it" I said not liking where this was going.

Actually I'm loving it.

He was a tease but it wasn't to his advantage since he ended up wanting more and I wasn't ready yet.

"Alex, you'll regret it" I said warning him as he kept going.

"I just want to make you feel good" He whispered.

"Well stop it before it's too late for you"

"Fine I'll stop" He sighed. "For now"


"Sarah!" I shouted as I ran towards her. Our bodies collided into a hug and I had missed her so much that I didn't even care about the wounds that hurt really bad right now.

"Girl, I missed you" She said  smiling as we broke the hug.

"I missed you too silly" I giggled. I saw Jason, no, I saw Gabriel standing behind her with a soft smile on his face.  "What's Gabriel doing here?"

"My roommate kicked me out after I hadn't showed up in days" She sighed. "Gabriel just offered to help me till I find another apartment"

Oh I see.

"Gabriel can I have a word with you?" I asked.

It was now my turn to help Gabriel just like he had helped me.

"What is it?" He asked donce we were away from Alex and Sarah.

"I want to ask you something but you have to promise you're going to be honest with me" I grinned.

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