Protect You

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The next day I was awakened by my phone ringing. At first I ignored it, but the stupid ringing wouldn't stop. I groaned and picked it up without even bothering to open my eyes and look at the caller.

"Hello" I answered feeling my throat really dry.

"When are you going to visit your old man?" I heard uncle Rob's voice which automatically made me smile.

"When he stops waking me up" I laughed.

"I heard Caleb's back" He said. "Sarah called me to inform me to be alert about your brother returning" He said.

"Any news about him?" I asked feeling my stomach turning from anxiety.

"No, he hasn't called or appeared ever since" he sighed. "Aria, please be careful"

"I am careful uncle Rob, don't worry I'll never let him touch me"

"Who?" I heard a raspy voice and turned to its direction. Of course it was Alex leaning on my door raising an eyebrow.

I didn't have time to think about the fact that he was shirtless and wore only grey sweatpants hanging low.

Or how his arms were crossed showing of his hard muscles.

Or how the sweatpants were flattering his bulge.

I need holy water.

"I'll call later" I said quickly and hang up.

"Who were you talking about?" He asked.

"I-uh nothing my uncle is just scared about criminals and stuff I was just saying whoever it is I'll never let him touch me" I smiled proudly at how I saved the situation.

"Too late already happened three times" He said and walked out.

I quickly did my morning routine and got dressed before going to the kitchen to eat something.

I saw Alex who was still shirtless drinking milk.

The was his Adam's apple moved as he was gulping down the mild Oh My God.

A drop escaped his mouth and slid down his neck.

Let me lick it.

I heard him hum and saw him raise an eyebrow. He put the milk on the counter and gave me a smirk.

"What do you want to lick princess?" He asked.

WHAT! Did I just think out loud?!

"I-I" I stuttered.

"Come here baby" He gestured for me to come close to him. I walked towards him as if he was pulling me. "Is this what you want to lick?" He whispered pointing to his neck.

And my sinful self literally nodded. He seemed as surprised as I was that I had nodded.

"All yours princess" He rasped out still taken aback.

Should I do it? Should I run away?

Duck it.

I slowly moved my head towards his neck stopping when my lips were just a breath away. His breath had seemed to become harder and uneven and I hadn't even touched him yet.

I dared lean my hands on his holy abs. They are so hard omg. They flexed at my touch as he was now almost panting. My lips ghosted over his neck hesitating for a moment.

"Aria" He whimpered. "Do it now" he groaned impatiently.

My lips pressed against his neck and he moaned. Loudly.

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