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Today I was going out with Sarah and Caleb. Today was the day I was going to see Caleb again after five years.

I was getting ready in my room trying to realize the importance of the situation.

Caleb was back. My brother was probably back too.

After I left everything behind and found shelter in uncle Rob's house I was naive enough to think my life would go normally from now on.

My phone ringing interrupted my thoughts.


"Aria it's me" I heard Alexander's deep voice. "You're probably getting ready to leave now. I just wanted to tell you if you need anything, don't hesitate to call" His hesitant voice brought a smile to my face.

"Yes, I know"

"And make sure your phone is charged" He reminded me.

"It is"

"And text me to tell me you're okay"

"Yes" I giggled.

"Have fun baby, but not too much fun" He said and hang up.

After I was ready mentally and physically I left the house and took the bus to go to the Italian restaurant the told me they would be at.

"Aria!" I heard someone exclaim the second I stepped into the restaurant. I felt two strong arms wrap around me. "I missed you so much shortcake"

"I missed you too Caleb" I smiled softly after breaking the hug. He took my hand and led me to our table.

The restaurant was really welcoming and the atmosphere was really warm. There were quite many people there but there wasn't much noise and there was soft music playing.

"Ari!" Sarah hugged me before sitting and gesturing me to take a sit. When I sat she gave me a thumbs up when Caleb wasn't looking.

"Aria, I'm so glad to see you again" He said smiling.

I had to say he had drastically changed. Last time I saw him he still had a baby face. Now he even had a little stubble and was really tall and more buffed. Well, not as tall and buffed as Alexander.

"I'm glad too" I smiled kindly.

"Hello, what would you like to ord-" I looked up at the waiter only to realize it was Jason.

"Jason do you work here?" I asked dumbfounded.

"You know him?" Caleb asked.

"Oh h-hi Jason" Sarah laughed awkwardly. Jason gave her a smile and then turned to me.

"I work here yes. I'm glad to see you again Aria. Who's your friend?" I could swear I saw a tiny tint of a smirk on his lips. "Your boyfriend?"

"No no no! That's just Sarah's brother" I said.

"I see, well nice to meet you I'm Jason" he held out his hand for Caleb to shake.

"I'm Caleb, nice to meet you too" I could see he was putting too much strength on Jason's hand, He was squishing it really hard but Jason remained unbothered with a confident smile on his face.

"Gabriel!" A man yelled looking at out direction. "You're taking too long man, take the order and leave"

"Coming!" Jason yelled back at him.

Wait, Gabriel?

"Why did he call you-"

"So what would you like to order?" He chuckled taking out his small notebook. We all brushed it off and gave his our orders he said goodbye and left our table.

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