Cold Metal

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This time going back from work I wanted to make sure there weren't going to be any encounters like last time. However the moment I stepped out of the cafe I saw a sleek black SUV and if it wasn't for the familiar figure leaving on it I would have took off running again.

"What are you doing here?" I asked kind of breathless. I was sure I was going to get kidnapped for a second.

"It was getting dark and a beautiful young lady like you shouldn't be wandering in the streets alone at this time" he smirked taking my hand. Why is he-


His soft but slightly chapped full lips lightly stroked the back of my hand.

He kissed my hand im-

The way his blue eyes full of mischief stared into my soul the whole time had me almost hyperventilating.

"let's get in the car shall we?" he smiled and walked me to the passenger seat still holding my hand and the opened the door for me.

"Aren't you a gentleman" I smiled lightly when he started driving.

"Of course, I should treat my princess right"

Did he just say my princess? Are my ears deceiving me?

I looked out the window observing everything we passed by. Suddenly I heard a phone ringing.

"Hello" he spoke "What do you mean you can't find h-it" his voice had gone down several tones in just a blink of an eye and I have to say it was blessing my ears. "Well I don't care if you can't you will do it, you messed up now you clean up the mess" he growled and hang up.

He looked really tense after that phone call and I wanted to ask what was wrong but that was obviously none of my business so I just kept my mouth shut.

"Sorry about that, it was just my cousin, I lent him my bike and he lost the key somewhere"

"That sucks" I said awkwardly.

Wow well done Aria. That's all you could come up with? That sucks?

"Yeah it does" he chuckled and then sighed.


"oh my God can't you just discribe him? It's not like his hearing is bionic he won't hear anything" My best friend said over the phone

"No Sarah just shut up there is literally a wall separating us and I don't think it's soundproof" I whisper-yelled.

"If you don't tell me I'm coming over"

Now I know my best friend and when she says things like this she means it.

"fine" I sighed. "he's really hot Sarah" I declared and we both squealed

"Who's hot?" I suddenly heard a familiar deep voice which made me widen my eyes and my jaw drop.

Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh!

"No one" I shook my head. I could hear Sarah laughing on the other line.

"Talk to you later" she whispered and before I could say anything she hang up.

"so who's that hot guy you were talking about?" he asked crossing his arms. He seemed way too serious.

"Just ah- a guy, you know?" I said awkwardly.

"Well-" he sat beside me on the bed. "-talk to me about him"

The serious stare he was giving me wasn't making it easier. I felt like I was being interrogated.

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