Miss You

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"So" Sarah came to stand in front of me with a big smile while I was cleaning a table.

I was really upset these days because Alexander wasn't talking to me.

"Want to have a girl's night? My roommate is visiting her parents"

I paused and thought about it. I guess I needed some time with my best friend and it's been a while since we last had a sleepover.


"I knew it! Great, see you tomorrow after your shift" she quickly hugged me and walked out.

After my shift? So I had to walk there ugh.

But time was being a pain. Twenty minutes felt like two hours and the café wasn't that busy today. My phone also died and I had nothing to do.

After my shift was over though I started my way over to Sarah's only to realize I didn't exactly know where I was going, I mean I did but not really. I had been there before but I didn't remember much and my phone was dead so I had to
find my way around myself.

But luck wasn't really on my side today. Well, just like any day.

I could feel someone watching me. I was anxious anyway because I was walking alone and it was really dark and isolated where I was, but I was sure I could hear someone walking behind me for about 10 minutes now.

So I did the smartest thing I could possibly do.

I stopped walking.

And they stopped too.

And I took off running.

And they followed.

I turned right only to find railings blocking the way.

Great, I'm dead. Finally

I made an attempt to climb up the railings when I saw him running up to me so I quickly jumped down finding myself in a parking lot.

Thank God uncle Rob taught me some things.

I ran straight ahead hearing him running after me. I was getting tired of this, my legs couldn't take me any further but I pushed through.

Only to stumble on a rock and fall on my face after five minutes.

I saw his feet landing on each side of me trapping me and then saw him kneel down. I turned around and tried to memorize his face but it was so dark that I could barely see his features.

"Well you sure run fast" he chuckled. This guy had a robot voice it was scaring me the whole scene was scaring me, I was about to be kidnapped. Or raped. Or killed. I had to think quick and do something but mostly I had to keep my calm.

"What do you want?" I asked as calm as I could, I could barely keep my voice from shaking not to mention all this running had me gasping for air.

"For starters I want you to follow me"

"Yeah right I will" I laughed. "You're funny for a robot"

"If you don't follow me there will be consequences. Why deny when you'll be coming with me anyway?"

I had to do something and quick.

"Dude can you get away from me your breath is like toxic, it stinks"


"Bet you won't be able to have children after that" I said and this time kicked his face. I didn't like violence but I had to escape.

When I was sure he would be on the ground for long I ran and ran till I found a telephone booth and called Sarah.

"Where are you why is your phone turned off!" she yelled at me.

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