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When I woke up, all I could see was white. At first I thought I was in heaven till I heard a voice.

"Don't worry mister Russo, it was just a light concussion" I heard a man talking. My vision was still kind of blurry so I couldn't see much.

"Can I take her back home when she wakes up?" Now this deep sexy voice i could never get wrong.

"Of course- Oh and it seems miss Summers is awake" I heard the man day and Alex let out a sigh of relief.

After the doctor made sure I was fine we left and went back to our apartment. As soon as we stepped in Alexander slammed the door and turned to me.

"Now mind telling me how you got a concussion?" He asked harshly.

"I-uh I was going through my phone and I didn't see where i was going and I-"

"You lost your chance to lie" He looked down disappointed. "Your phone was dead and it couldn't have happened before work because you would have fainted sooner"

Well he's smart I give him that.

"Just tell the truth now. You have no choice" He demanded.

We sat on the couch and then I told him everything about yesterday since I didn't have a choice. The thing that scared me as I was talking to him is that he kept his calm throughout the whole story. He showed no reaction.

"And like that I managed to escape"

"You won't ever. Ever. Walk home alone again at night" He finally said after a long pause.

"But Alex I managed to escape-"

"It doesn't matter. This time you escaped, another time you might not. This time it was just one person, next time can be a whole gang" He said raising his voice a little bit.

"Why is this town so dangerous?" I sighed.

"Why has this happened to you before?" He suddenly seemed more alert.

"N-no I meant the time you saved me"

Oh poop! I stuttered!

"Aria tell me. Now" He demanded.

Maybe i found it hot-

"I promise I won't tie you to a chair and never let you out again" He gave me a weak smile.

I took a deep breath and started explaining everything to him.

"I saw a man threatening a guy with a gun and then he noticed me and didn't like the fact that I heard them. He pointed at me but he honestly was kind of stupid so I just distracted him till the guy he was threatening left and then pointed out that he was trying to escape so when he turn to look for him I took off running"

I waited and waited for a reaction. I knew he was trying to keep his calm but I also knew this was the calm before the storm.

"This man was the man you scared away last time"

"And you were just going to ignore those two events and never tell me until you got kidnapped or worse" you saw him clench and unclench his fist.

"I just didn't want you to worry-"

"So I could worry a hundred times more when you would be gone for good and I wouldn't be able to find you?" he finally yelled showing his anger and frustration.

"I'm sorry" I whispered. "But you don't need to worry about me. I know you can't help it but you shouldn't worry. Someday I will find my own apartment and I won't be a burden anymore" I said looking down and playing with my fingers.

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