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"If you try to touch even a hair of hers ever again I'm going to dismember you"

The man was lying on the ground whimpering while Alexander had the gun pointed at him now.

How did he do that?

"Now leave before I change my mind and get rid of you" he growled lowly. The man nodded in fear and stood up before running away into a dark alley.

Alexander then shoved the gun inside his jacket and came close to me.

Why would he keep the gun?

"Are you okay? Did he touch you?" he asked frowning and cupping my face searching for any wounds.

I just shook my head. I couldn't even form a sentence.

"I'm sorry i didn't get here sooner"

"It's okay thank you for saving me" I managed out. He suddenly wrapped his strong arms around me. His muscles were pressing against my body and I could smell his cologne.

I know this isn't a moment to fangirl but I am doing it.

"I was so scared when you didn't come home on time and then I went to the café and they were closing and they said you should have left hours ago and when I saw that man pointing a gun at your head I went ballistic Aria" he started rambling, it was the first time I saw him lose his calm.

His hug felt so good, it was so comforting and I was so small next to him that I disappeared in his embrace.

"You must have been so scared" he whispered and tightened his arms around me. "I promise baby I'll never let you walk alone this late again, if I had come a few minutes later you might have been-"

"Alexander it's okay I'm safe now thanks to you" I interrupted him resting my hands on his chest. I felt him nuzzle in my neck. He was so close I could feel his lips ghosting over my neck.

"You smell so good"

I could swear that almost sounded like a moan.

"Mh you feel so good too" he hummed.

He will be the death of me.

"if you don't move away then I might just stay here holding you forever" His voice was so raspy I wanted to melt into his arms. "I can feel you blushing princess" He lifted his head to look at me surprisingly serious. "Can I-" his face came closer he was so close I could smell his cool minty breath. I started panicking.

Oh my God is he going to steal my first kiss?

"Can I kiss those beautiful blushed cheeks?" he breathed out. He didn't even wait for an answer. He just pressed his lips on my right cheek slowly, lingering there for several seconds and then moved to the other one.

I was almost hyperventilating. I was losing any sanity I had left, my hands clinged onto his jacket for support. He hummed lowly sending a vibration on my cheek.

"Alexander" I whispered. I didn't know what to say I was speechless.

"Yes baby, tell me" he whispered back.

And then stomach decided to interrupt with a loud growl. So rude. I blushed feeling embarrassed as I heard him chuckle.

"let's get some food in you princess"


"Sorry I didn't know what else to make I guess we need to go grocery shopping"

Honestly that dish full of pasta and sause looks deliciously beautiful. There was no need to say sorry.

"this looks really good though" a total understatement. If it tasted half as good as it looked then I would be beyond happy to eat it. "is this all for me though? What about you?"

"Im not hungry don't worry about me I ate earlier"

With that said I started digging in and as expected it was the most incredible delicious mouth watering pasta I had ever eaten and was most likely to eat.

"That's so good where did you learn to cook like that?" I saw him looking down with a hint of a smile but for some reason it looked sad.

"My mom taught me how to cook"

Mom. I hadn't heard that word in forever. I had forgotten about the words mom and dad long ago. Hearing that word made me emotional it never brought any good memories.

I had been staring down without moving for far too long without noticing.

"Aria? Are you okay? What's wrong?" I heard him ask somewhere in the background of my thoughts.

"Nothing I just feel really exhausted I should go to sleep so j can wake up early tomorrow" I said and stood up heading to my room.

"You didn't finish your food" he said making me stop walking.

"it's okay I'm not that hungry" I looked back and gave him a sad smile. "that was really good Alexander, your mother taught you well" and with that I went into my look closing the door and drowning in my sorrows.


The next days I didn't really feel as well either. It wasn't just the shock of almost having a bullet blow your brains out but also the memories the word mom brought back.

I tried to avoid everyone as much as I could drowning myself with work and my studies. I even went grocery shopping and cleaned the whole apartment a couple of times.

Today was going to be just another one of these days. I made sure to wake up early before Alexander, but this time things didn't go as planned.

I was about to open the front door when two hands slammed it closed making me gasp. He had me trapped now.

"Is this how it's going to be?" he asked dangerously low. "For how much longer do you think you can avoid me?"

I slowly turned around to face him.

"I've just been busy. Why do you care?" I asked coldly. Deep down it was hurting me to talk to him like that but I couldn't help it.

"shouldn't I care if my baby isn't talking to me?" he whispered softly.

His baby. He just said I'm his baby oh my gosh

"Please tell me what's wrong baby" I looked away. I couldn't. I couldn't tell him, I couldn't tell anyone. "I'm not stupid Aria. Since the moment I talked about my mom you've been awfully distant" he frowned moving a stray strand of my hair out of my face. "This is about your parents isn't it?" he whispered.

I should have said none of your business, I should have said leave me alone. But I just couldn't hurt him like that. I just nodded weakly and felt hot tears streaming down my face.

"Oh baby" he sighed and took me into his embrace. "It seems like you've been holding these tears in since forever"

And he was right. He could see right through me somehow.

"if you want to talk about it, I'll listen" I just shook my head."it's okay I'm not pushing you, I'll wait till youre ready to tell me" I sobbed and got on my tip toes to wrap my hands around his neck. "Let it out baby" he whispered. And I did I sobbed quietly hiding my face into his neck.

He stroked my hair till I had finally stopped sobbing and my tears had stopped falling. He moved my face to look at me.

"Feeling better?" he gave me a weak smile. I nodded still pouting a little. "Don't give me that pout princess" he moved his lips to my ear "Or I just might bite it" he whispered making my face heat up instantly. "I love to see you blush because of me"

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