Big Boss

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Alexander's POV

"So, you said you didn't choose this life, then how did you get in it?" She asked after a long pause.

"I was really young when I got into it. My parents had divorced and I lived with my mom, but we couldn't manage. I searched for a job but no one wanted a fourteen year old teen working for them. So my father offered to give me a job" These memories were something I had buried in the back of my mind,but it was nice talking to someone.

"What was the job?" She titled her head. As if the fact that she was almost naked wasn't enough she was acting all cute too.

"At first it was just working at clubs as the security or something like that but that didn't give me enough money. I needed the money because my mom was sick so he offered me to run some errands for him. That was selling drugs to his customers. At first I refused but them my mom started getting worse and I didn't have a choice" I said thinking about all the years that I spent thinking I was wrong and I could have found another way.

I thought I was just weak and chose the easy way, but I was young and naive and I didn't know what to do except listen to my father.

"How did you go from selling drugs to this?" the way she said this broke my heart. She was disgusted I could see it and she was probably scared of me too. I fucked up.

"I was sixteen and I was quite used to the job. I was famous around the community. One day a rival attacked me while I was going home. He had a gun and it was him or me. I was frustrated after that. I didn't know how I would tell my dad or my mom. I never got to tell my mom. She was dead on the floor when I arrived home. Her sickness got to her" My voice was breaking and my eyes were welling up.

After all these years why, why am I still sensitive about it?

"So I went to live with my dad and he told me that now that I had killed for the first time I could become a hit man or an underdog and I listened to him because he was my father and I was too young. I hated it, but I was dead inside Aria. I felt pain and anger and I-I" I broke down and let my tears fall. I wasn't afraid to cry in front of her, I wanted her to know I wasn't a heartless monster. At least now that I have her.

"It's okay" She whispered and cupped my jaw. "I understand"

"I'm a demon"


"Everytime I took a life it took a little bit out of me till I became dead inside. I was heartless, I started getting into more and more without realizing it and soon I became a mafia leader and people were scared of me"

I was so used to all that shit that now I was realizing how fucked up it is. I had power and money but I didn't want it if I didn't have her. People in the community treated me with respect when in fact they didn't really respect me they were just scared of the consequences if they didn't. I was the big boss. The boss of the bosses.

"Please stay with me baby, I could protect you, they're all afraid of me" I was desperate to make her stay. I would do anything, but if she chose to leave then I would give up. Life has no meaning without her. She gives life.

"Can I think about it?" She asked biting her lip. Her soft, juicy, coral pink lips that I adored.

"Of course" I said with my head hung. My heart skipped a beat at her question. "Please stay. I'll give you everything to satisfy your needs, emotionally and materially"

And physically if you let me.

"Just please let me think about it. It's kind of a shock and after all my brother did" She trailed off looking down.

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