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And his full warm lips were on mine. I felt like I was on cloud nine. I had never been kissed before because boys weren't my priority. He was the first man I wanted to kiss and now that it was finally happening I had lost it and didn't know what to do.

It felt so soft but intense and even though I knew it was wrong it felt so right.

He cupped my face and his lips moved against mine softly but so passionately. I was hesitant because I was new at this and he actually was a heck of a kisser so I didn't want to embarrass myself.

"Alex-stop" I said in between kisses and pushed him back slightly.

"Please just a little more" He whispered still giving me kisses. I actually didn't want him to stop and hearing some small moans and groans that escaped him he didn't want to either.

His lips were starting to me faster against mine and I tried to keep up with his pace letting out a few moans in the process.

Oh my God, I just moaned I'm an idiot.

I was blushing like crazy by now I was so embarrassed. I tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge.

"Stop" I said and moved my head to the side.

"Baby what's wrong?"

Is he for real?

"What we're doing is wrong"

"No no no, don't say that please" He pleaded taking my hand in his and searching my face.

"I ask for distance and a minute later you kiss me"

"Baby, I'm sorry but I couldn't help myself I told you I can't distance myself from you"

"You said you would try"

"And look, it didn't work"

"Are you kidding me?!" I yelled.

"Sooner or later it was going to happen, why waste any more time?"

"It cannot happen Alex" He was really driving me crazy. "We don't even know each other, scratch that we don't trust each other"

"Fine" He let out a dark chuckle "Say whatever you want. I'm not giving up on the one thing that makes me happy. You can avoid me all you want but I won't be a coward and hide my feelings" He said and opened the door before walking out and slamming it shut.

What was that all about.


The next day I did everything I could to avoid him. I studied more than usual, I went out for a walk and I worked extra hours.

"Aria! So glad to see you again"

I was startled since I hadn't seen any customer walk to the stand. When I turned around I saw Jason.

"Oh hello" I smiled politely. I just hope Alex won't show up.

"So how's it going? You look a little out of it"

"It's nothing" I shook my head "Want to order anything?"

"Some tea please"

Of course.

I nodded and got to work.

"So is Alexander annoying you yet or what?" He asked.

"Are you two friends?" I turned around to look at him.

"You could say that yes. I've known him since we were both in diapers" He chuckled.

Wow I've never thought about how baby Alex would look like. I bet he was a beautiful baby.

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