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I couldn't sleep.

And when I say I couldn't sleep I mean in had been trying to sleep for the past two hours and nothing happened. I just kept tossing, turning and whirling around. I even rolled off once.

I had only one choice.

Wait for Alex to come home and then annoy him.

But I couldn't do that because he would be tired from work.

But he said I never bother him.


I was pouting trying to think of a solution when the best idea came to me.

Watch TV.

Note the sarcasm.

I was so desperate I was actually thinking of watching TV.

And then my savior came. My prince charming. My knight in shinning armor.

Ice cream. I should eat ice cream.

I knew for a fact there was ice cream in the refrigerator. And it was strawberry too. Alex knew strawberry was my favorite flavor so he made sure there was always strawberry ice cream in the refrigerator even if I didn't ask for it. In fact he insisted it was for him but he never ate any.

I took out the large ice cream container and a spoon and went to the living room before plopping down on the couch and turning on the TV.

Ice cream never failed to make me feel better. It was as delicious as always.

I was watching a midnight talk show when I heard the door open. I immediately became alert and paused with the spoon still in my mouth.

"Baby? What are you doing at this hour-uh" He exclaimed as I literally tackled him.

But he was too strong. So he caught me.

I had my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs around his waist.

I'm probably so heavy and he's holding me as if I'm as light as a feather.

"Someone missed me" He chuckled stroking my hair.

"I did! I missed you!" I said loudly. He laughed. His laugh was contagious, he didn't laugh very often but when he did it was breathtaking and real.

"I missed my princess too" He said resting his forehead on mine before leaning in to kiss me. "Mh you taste like strawberry" He whispered and kissed me more licking my bottom lip. "Did you eat ice cream?" He smirked.


I nodded and his my face in his neck as he smiled.

"Let me down I'm heavy" I murmured.

"You're actually not that heavy" He said. "I'm not letting you down until you fall asleep"

"Have fun breaking your arms" I said but in reality my eyes already felt droopy and kept closing. There was just something warm and relaxing about his embrace. He was like a big teddy bear.

"Your face says otherwise. Close your eyes and sleep princess" He whispered and kissed my forehead.

I rested my head on his shoulder and let my eyes close. It wasn't even a minute after that I let my eyes close and fell asleep.

The morning I woke up feeling warm. Really warm.

And I wasn't even under the cover but I felt a weight on my waist. I slowly opened my eyes and looked down to see an arm wrapped around me. My eyes widened and I froze. I tried to turn around but he wouldn't let me move.

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