Chapter Two

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A soft groan escaped your parted lips as your body began to stir into consciousness. Your e/c eyes fluttered open slowly, the sound of rain against the windows almost lulling you back to sleep.

Slowly, you rolled your body over in the bed, coming face-to-face with the cold, empty spot beside of you.

Your arm reached out to touch the pillow that your boyfriend's head once occupied.

You had gotten used to waking up without him. He was always up early for work...but that didn't stop you from missing the days when he would call in sick, just to be able to stay in bed with you all day. He'd hold you tightly and the two of you would watch movies together on your laptop...everything was so perfect.


With a heavy sigh, you sat up, ruffling your messy hair and glancing around the room that was filled with numerous unopened boxes.

You still had to finish unpacking and you assumed that Jimin was going to be "too busy" to help you. Once again. Which meant that you would be doing all the work by yourself. Great.

You frowned, standing to your feet and stretching your arms over your head.

Today was your first day in a new town. You were going to have a fresh start and you were going to make the best of it. This was perhaps the last chance for you and Jimin to move past what happened and finally be able to love each other again...You were determined to make today a good day.

You made your way to the bathroom that was conjoined to your bedroom.

You fixed your hair and brushed your teeth, washing your face and making sure that your fake smile was still convincing....after all, that's all you were best at...pretending to be happy.

You decided to change your clothes in the bathroom as well, the unnerving feeling of being watched making you shiver and panic.

After you had finished changing, you stepped outside of the bathroom, moving your gaze around the bedroom for a brief moment.

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you took in the sight of your bed.

You had left it unmade and messy, deciding that you would make it later, but to your surprise, the bed had already been made, the duvet pulled over evenly and the pillows stacked neatly on top of it.

But what caught your attention the most, was the small doll that sat directly in the center of the bed.

Your eyes widened slightly at it's appearance.

It looked just like you.

Every detail matched you to perfection, it was even wearing one of your favorite sweaters...

You shuddered as you looked at it. The doll was giving you an eerie feeling. The way it's e/c button eyes stared at you made you feel as if it could actually see you and follow your movements...but that was impossible...right?

You managed to tear your eyes away from the doll, moving your gaze to your nightstand, reaching to find your phone.

You froze in your spot at the absence of your beloved cellular device.

You frowned in confusion.

You hadn't touched your phone all morning and you were pretty sure that the last place you had it was on your nightstand.

You turned your attention back to the bed, only to see the corner of your phone peeking out from beneath the doll.

You sighed, reaching out and grabbing, only to have a small, folded piece of paper come into your view as you pulled it away from the terrifying burlap doll.

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