Chapter Sixteen

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"Stop sulking."

Hoseok's voice an in Jungkook's ears as he watched the red-head peer out of the window of his home, eyes waiting to see if you would be coming to see him anytime soon.

"He just kicked me out, like it was his house." He grumbled in frustration. "And she let him."

Hoseok sighed heavily, shaking his head as he took a swing of his Sprite.

"Maybe there was an emergency." He offered. "You shouldn't be so quick to judge him."

Jungkook shook his head, huffing as he stepped away from the window, his arms crossing over his chest.

"I know why he wanted me out." He deadpanned.

The dirty-blond man raised an eyebrow at the statement.

"And why is that, Jungkook?"

The younger male frowned, running a hand through his strawberry locks.

"He walked in when I was making a move on Y/n-Ow!"

Jungkook let out a yelp as Hoseok's hand came into harsh contact with the back of his head, his eyes hardening as he glared at the young man.

"Are you stupid?" He asked. "You can't just go around hitting on women all the time! Especially one that lives right next to us!"

Jungkook rubbed his head, flinching as he touched the sensitive skin.

"Why not?" He asked. "She's single now, and I think she deserves to be with someone else-someone better."

Hoseok shook his head, a sigh escaping his parted lips.

"She's still getting over Jimin, Jungkook." He explained. "They loved each other...even if things were rocky at the end..."

The red-head grimaced.

"Apparently not." He scoffed. "Jimin went out with another girl tonight...he practically rubbed Y/n's nose in it...he was all dressed up fancy and his hair was styled...She acted like she didn't care, but I could tell that it hurt her."

"Exactly." Hoseok said. "It hurts her to think about him with someone else so soon...that means that some small part of her still cares."

Jungkook sighed heavily.

"I wanted to make her forget about him. I wanted her to be happy.." He breathed, taking a seat on their couch. "Even if it was just for one night."

Hoseok frowned sitting down next to the younger male, his hand resting on his shoulder.

"You can't rush things." He said. "Sleeping with her won't make her happy in the long run-"

"I don't want to just sleep with her." Jungkook explained. "I-I want more than that..."

Hoseok's eyes widened, his body stiffening at the younger's confession. A frown made it's way onto his face as he pulled his hand back from Jungkook's shoulder.

"Jungkook.." Hoseok's voice was stern. "I don't think that's a good idea."

The red-head's eyes snapped up at his room mate's words, eyebrows furrowing.

"Why not?" He asked. "I can make her happy. I know I can...You said yourself that she deserves someone better-"

"And what makes you think that you're any better than him?!" Hoseok yelled.

Jungkook blinked in surprise, his eyes wide as his mind processed Hoseok's cruel words.


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