Chapter Twenty

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You swallowed hard as your eyes shot open, the darkness of your bedroom forcing your e/c orbs to adjust to the lack of light.

A deep frown formed on your face at the familiar arm that was draped over your waist lazily, forcing your body against the monster that slept behind you.

You hadn't been able to sleep a wink, but that didn't mean you couldn't act like it.

Namjoon explained to you that he would not be able to take you back to the real world with him...which, of course, you were upset about, but you understood.

He was from this place, and so he was able to move about between worlds as he liked...

Taehyung wasn't of much help either,

You had all but begged him to show you the way out of this place, but he insisted that he would not take sides against his brother...

Well, if he wasn't going to help you get out of here...

You'd do it by yourself.

With a shaky breath, you moved away from the sleeping man behind you, pausing momentarily as he stirred slightly in his sleep.

After a few seconds, his breathing returned to normal and you let out the breath you had been holding, slowly moving yourself away from him until you were completely out of the bed and out of his reach.

A strong sense of relief washed over you as you grabbed a hoodie from your closet, wrapping it around your body tightly before slowly opening the bedroom door and walking out of the room.

A door.

Namjoon had mentioned something about a door. A way for you to get out of this place and back to your world.

You speed walked down the stairs, being sure not to make too much noise for fear of waking up your captor, eyes scanning over the house as you reached the last step.

You had already gone over every inch of this house since you first started being pulled to this place and you had never seen a door that was out of place or different from the house in your world...Maybe he was referring to a metaphorical door?

You huffed out in annoyance, hand raking through your messy hair as you stepped into the living room, eyes moving over every inch of the-hold on.

Your e/c eyes widened slightly at the sight of a tiny door that rested in the corner of the room. It wasn't the big enough for you to walk through, but you'd be willing to bet that you could definitely crawl through it.

You shot into motion, falling to your knees in front of the door, hands gripped the cold metal of the handle, pulling on it with a silent plea.

The door didn't budge.

"Y/n? Baby, is that you?"

You froze in your spot at the sound of your captor raising from the bed the two of you shared, his footsteps filling your ears as he made his way out of the bedroom.

You didn't know what fueled your actions.

Whether is was adrenaline , panic or had no idea... but you instantly shot up.

You threw the front door open, panic beginning to overtake you as his footsteps began more frantic, feet falling swiftly against the carpeted upstairs floor as he called out your name.


You paid him no mind, shooting off into the outside world, pleading to god that you could find your own way outside of this hell.

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